5 Common Misconceptions About CBD that Need Busting Now

As CBD products are soaring in popularity these days, misconceptions about this natural remedy are also skyrocketing. So, what are people getting wrong about CBD? Keep reading below to find out the five common misconceptions about CBD. 

CBD is getting a lot of attention these days from television documentaries, social media posts, and a lot of blogs. Yet, like with every popular topic on the Internet these days, misconceptions and myths are also rising, misleading people into getting the wrong ideas about what CBD is and what it does to the body.

Keep reading below to find out the most common things people get wrong about CBD.

1.    CBD gets you high

This is perhaps the most widespread misconception about CBD products.

Since people know that CBD comes from the Marijuana plant, they immediately assume that it gives you the “high” feeling like the plant does. However, this isn’t true.

Sure, CBD is a prevalent compound found in the Marijuana plant. Yet, CBD doesn’t have psychoactive effects. What gives the “high” feeling is another compound found in the plant known as THC. So, when using Marijuana, THC is getting users high, not CBD.

CBD is non-intoxicating and doesn’t give the euphoric feeling people get when using products with THC. In fact, CBD products only contain 0.3% of THC so, there’s no way you’d get the “high” feeling from using CBD.

2.    CBD is illegal

Another popular misconception about CBD is that it is an illegal substance, and using it might get you in trouble with the authorities. Yet, this, once again, isn’t true. CBD products are legal as long as they contain less than 0.3% THC.

Thanks to the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, which changed the definition of Marijuana to exclude hemp, hemp-extracted CBD products are legal all over the US. The farm bill allowed hemp production and commercialization of hemp-derived products.

In states where recreational marijuana use is legal, such as Colorado, Washington, New Mexico, and Nevada, even Marijuana-derived CBD products are legal.

3.    CBD’s medical benefits aren’t scientifically backed

CBD is often advertised as a natural remedy for various medical conditions such as anxiety, depression, pain, sleep disorders, or epilepsy. Yet, skeptics believe that CBD is just a marketing scam and has no real medical benefit.

However, although research on the medical benefits of CBD is still in its early days, various scientific studies suggest that CBD can treat a number of diseases. There is scientific evidence that CBD products can help relieve pain, reduce anxiety and depression, reduce acne, have neuroprotective properties, and might even help with cancer-related symptoms. What’s more, last year, FDA approved a CBD-based nasal spray called Epidiolex as medication for seizure disorders.

Medical experts still have to find out more about CBD’s potential role in treating these conditions. Yet, it’s wrong to believe that it is all just a marketing scam when scientific studies show that CBD may be a powerful natural treatment for many health conditions.

4.    CBD can be used in the form of oil

Although CBD oil is the most popular CBD-based product, especially since people often can’t tell the difference between CBD and CBD oil, it isn’t the only form users can use CBD.

There are many different types of CBD products out there, including oral drops (also known as tinctures) such as Daily Grind CBD, CBD topical creams, edibles and drinks, and even CBD pills or capsules.

So, if you think about using CBD, you don’t have to limit your choice to CBD oil. You can find many different other products that are more suitable for you and your needs.

5.    CBD converts to THC when it enters the human body

Studies have shown that CBD products are very well-tolerated by humans and even many animals, having very few potential side effects. But guess what? CBD converting to THC when it enters your body is certainly not one of these side effects.

What may have misled people is a study published in the American Journal of Medicine that reported it is possible for CBD to be converted into THC, the compound in the Marijuana plant that gives the “high” feeling when entering the body. Yet, this isn’t relevant evidence because, during the study, this occurred in a controlled laboratory environment that used very specific circumstances to make this happen. So, although CBD converting to THC has been achieved in a laboratory, it has not been replicated in the human body.

How to know you are reading reliable information about CBD?

The Internet is filled with myths and misconceptions about CBD. So, when doing your own research on the topic, how can you know that you are reading reliable information:

  • The information is backed by studies or reliable links.
  • Doesn’t use generalizations and hypes.
  • Provides enough details on the uses of CBD for specific conditions.

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