A Recipe for Success

Recipe for Success image 44444Café Services, Inc. understands having a successful restaurant and company. Restaurants are like sports cars: beautiful on the outside and packed with amazing features on the inside. But like automobiles, restaurants sometimes need tune-ups. Following are eight tried-and-true ways to keep your restaurant running like new.

Employ Passionate People

Hire people whose level of passion matches yours and then train and take care of them. These individuals are the engine of your operation and front-line ambassadors for the brand you are seeking to create. If possible, develop an incentive-based program that rewards excellence and aids in employee retention.

Positive Press

To weave your restaurant into the community fabric, it’s important to give back. There are many ways to accomplish this: sponsoring youth sports teams, hosting a food drive, pledging a portion of your profits to a good cause. This synergy can often cause your restaurant to become a favorite meeting place for other outings.

Catering to Children

Dining out with small children can be especially stressful for parents. Your restaurant can
ease this burden by providing larger tables, high chairs and booster seats. Consider covering the table in white butcher paper and providing kids with crayon packs. If parents know children are welcome, they are more likely to become repeat customers.

Menu Rotation

Offering new options on the menu and doing away with some of your least favorite offerings is a good way to keep your menu fresh and the creative juices of your kitchen team flowing. By all means, keep your bestsellers, but integrate new restaurant trends for freshness This will keep your guests curious about what’s coming next.

Be Seen

Don’t hide in the kitchen or restaurant’s back office. As the owner, make sure you walk the floor of the dining area and talk to your guests. This is a great way to get feedback and gives patrons a chance to praise your staff. Also, patrons can bring problems to light in real time. Remember, as owner: the buck stops with you.

Make It Right

Problems will inevitably occur in your restaurant. Even the greatest establishments aren’t immune. But as the owner, your arsenal to handle these issues is immense Food not prepared to a customer’s liking: remove it from the bill and offer another item free. Don’t just solve the problem prove to the customer that you really care. Turn the negative into a positive by making an unhappy customer a fan. Fix the issues before they take on a social-media life of their own.

Social Media 101

It’s imperative for restaurant owners to use the power of social media. It’s simple, fun, and inexpensive, and also an effective way to reach current customers and attract new ones. Social media is also a great way to announce special events like your restaurant’s food drive or a Thursday night offering of live music. With a younger population, a social media platform is crucial to a restaurant’s future success.

Reward the Repeats

There’s little doubt that running a restaurant can be a stressful endeavor. However, building a relationship with your repeat customers is a recipe for success. Address them by using last names until they prompt you otherwise. Offer them access to special events like chef tables or new menu option tastings. Reward them with a free dessert on birthdays or two cocktails for the price of one. Use social media to engage with your patrons. I guarantee they’ll tell their friends about the positive experience.


Interesting related article: “SEO tips for a successful restaurant.”