Thinking About Selling Your House? Here Are Alternatives To Listing With A Real Estate Agent

Purchasing or selling houses requires a great deal of skills and knowledge. This is why hiring a real estate agent can help make the process smoother. Real estate agents are people who have acquired the necessary experience to assist in the selling of property. They are able to conduct the background check that is required before making an offer and they can assist you with how to present your property so as to attract buyers and also help you with your closing costs.

But working with a real estate agent means you’ll have to pay him for his services which comes in the form of commissions. The good news is you can still sell your house without listing it with a real estate agent. 

Here are some alternatives to selling your house without working with a real estate agent. 

  • Sell Your House Directly To A Buyer

Selling your house directly to a buyer or owner is a good option if you want to get the highest return on your investment once the deal is closed. Because of that many homeowners who are looking to sell their houses prefer to go with this option since they no longer have to pay for the services of a realtor. 

Commonly known as “for sale by owner” or FSBO in short, selling a house without a realtor can lead to very huge savings. You can get rid of the 6% commission fee for hiring a real estate agent. So, let’s say your house is sold for $300,000, you’ll have to pay your realtor around $18,000 as a fee for his services. 

Aside from saving on commission fees, this option also allows homeowners to maintain control over the home selling process. You don’t have to deal with any middleman or agents in your dealings, which can complicate the home selling process. You are free to choose which offers you should entertain and how you market your house. 

The downside with this option though is that it can take some time before you can get your house sold. Since you’re not working with a realtor, you’ll also be doing all the work like prepping your house for sale, setting up appointments, marketing the house, fielding offers, and negotiating with buyers.

  • Sell Your House To A Home Buying Company

Another great option for selling your house, especially if you want it to get sold quickly is to sell it to a home buying company. Home buying companies or cash house buyers (as they are commonly called) provides an easy and convenient way for homeowners to quickly sell their houses.

They are perfect for homeowners who are in financial distress and have no other option but to sell their house. You can close and get the funds you need in just a matter of days. You also don’t have to worry about making repairs, staging, marketing, and showing your house to potential buyers. The process is very seamless and you no longer have to go through the stressful experience of selling your house with a real estate agent. 

  • Sell Your House By Leasing It

If you’d been listing your house on the market for several months now and is still not getting any good offers from it, why not try leasing it. Leasing your house is a good option as it allows you to earn income while having the possibility of getting it sold. You can earn profit from it from lease payments. There’s also the chance that your tenants will ponder upon the decision whether they should buy your house or not overtime. So, regardless of their decision, it would be beneficial for you. 

Leasing your house means your tenant will be now responsible for keeping your property in good condition. They’ll be responsible for keeping up with the repairs, especially if they’re looking to buy your house in the future. Your tenants might even look after your house more than short-term tenants who simply rent out your property.

However, leasing your house has its own disadvantages. Leasing your house is not ideal if you are looking to sell your house quickly. There’s also the fact that your tenants may not end up buying your house after staying there for many years. Lastly, your house will depreciate over time and it’ll the monetary value of your property.


The list of alternatives to selling a house without a real estate agent is long. There are so many options to choose from but it’ll still depend on you as to which option is best for your situation. 

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