Are You Addicted to Alcohol? Know the Warning Signs of Alcohol Abuse

People are hooked on alcohol to the point where they can’t imagine their life without it. They may swear by how much better they feel after a few drinks, or that it helps them relax, but what’s the cost? And why do people turn to alcohol as a crutch?

What is alcohol?

Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that is produced in a fermentation process. It alters chemical processes in your brain and affects how you think, feel and act. The more you have the more alcohol-related problems can become.

What is Alcoholism?

Tapering off alcohol is not easy – it involves an emotional and mental fight for control of your life. You can learn to restrict or cut back on alcohol as part of an alcohol treatment plan if you want to stay sober and make the changes change your life for the better.

What Is a Hangover?

The feeling of a hangover is caused by the fact that your body has been under the influence of alcohol, and then suddenly you are not anymore. This feeling will last for several hours to a few days. If you consume alcohol and then do not drink anymore, you can experience the opposite effect: thirst. This is why it is encouraged to drink a lot of water after drinking alcohol.

Drinking and Driving

If you have to drink, then do not drive. This is the slogan that has been established by the government and this is a good reminder that you should always have a designated driver if you are going out for the night. You can also take advantage of public transportation or taxis.

Signs Of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol is linked to more than 80 diseases and conditions including cancer, strokes, heart disease, and liver disease. Alcoholism is a progressive disorder that affects every major organ in the human body. The following are some warning signs of alcohol addiction. Look through them to see if you’re engaging in such behavior.

  • Drinking more than you used to: It is common for people to find themselves indulging in high amounts of alcohol. In the earlier stages of alcoholism, it may have been just one drink, but now you take in more than what you can handle.
  • Being unable to control your drinking: You need drinking like a need to breathe and eat – without it, you feel incomplete and unworthy. Lack of control over drinking adds to anxiety and stress.
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms: A tolerance for alcohol is essential. When you drink more alcohol than your body needs, you experience withdrawal symptoms that include irritability, restlessness, insomnia, and anxiety.
  • Losing interest in life: A person who has control over alcohol loses it at the first sign of trouble or when he can’t provide for himself and his loved ones.
  • Needing to drink: Alcohol addiction action leads to denying the fact that you have a problem and wanting to continue drinking.
  • You drink in secret: You don’t want anyone to know that you have a drinking problem. You may have hidden the fact that you are an alcoholic and pretend to be sober. You hide your alcohol and control how much others see.
  • Using alcohol as an escape: When you drink, it is not just about pleasure, but also about getting away from your problems. Alcohol will help you avoid reality for a bit and let go of the stress of life.
  • Making excuses to drink: Alcoholism is characterized by a complete loss of control over drinking. For example, when you know that you have a meeting or an appointment, but still find yourself making excuses to drink.
  • Using alcohol for stimulation: Alcohol gives you a false sense of confidence. You feel stronger and even more attractive when you drink. However, the effect is only temporary as it wears off soon.
  • Messing up your relationships: You might have lost your job, friends, and family because of alcohol addiction.
  • Losing control: Alcohol is an addictive substance that can lead to addiction. You may be aware of your situation, but not able to do anything about it.

Need Help To Quit Drinking?

If you’ve noticed that alcohol is becoming a problem in your life, then there are some warning signs to be on the lookout for. If you find yourself avoiding activities that don’t involve drinking, experiencing blackouts more than once a month, or drinking more than 14 drinks in one day, it’s time to start asking yourself if you have an addiction.

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Interesting Related Article: “The Biology and Psychology of Developing an Alcohol Addiction