Artificial Intelligence in the world of HR

The goal of HR automation is to speed up day-to-day, rules-based processes. Still, HR spends most of their time on straightforward tasks that aren’t directly related to their strategic goals. The moment the basics of HR automation are up and running, we can start talking about lifting HR automation to an even higher level.

Gartner Survey - Artificial Intelligence image

Artificial Intelligence and the use of chatbots are two technologies used in many aspects of running a business, but in the world of HR, it is still relatively new. HR has all to do with humans and human interaction, not artificial or communicating with chatbots, however, there are already some good examples where AI and chatbots bring a great deal of added value to the HR department. We call this robotic process automation (RPA).

With the help of your robotic colleague, the gathering, checking, and collecting data is automated, which means there’s suddenly time freed up for the HR department. RPA enables HR to tackle more decision-based work. When daily, uncomplicated tasks can be performed or partly-performed automatically, the human side of HR is free to apply their critical thinking skills to more complex people issues.

Another benefit of RPA is that processes are less prone to errors. Repetitive tasks like checking paid leave, performing pay calculations, verifying timesheets, analysing job applications. All these tasks must be done accurately, on time, and without variation.

AI in HR & Payroll

The HR and payroll field is a sector where users typically retain full control over their data and always comply with auditing and privacy legislation and regulations. “Data mutations and payslip calculations must be exact in our HR/Payroll application (for example accountancy software) because the HR professionals who use it are always responsible for the correctness of payments made to employees. AI assistants can provide invaluable predictions, suggestions, and analyses to support HR and payroll specialists.”

It enables HR to work more efficiently and leaves them with more time for strategy development and vital employee engagement. An AI assistant does all the grunt work, leaving HR and payroll specialists with more time on their hands and entirely in control. The word ‘assistant’ says it all really. Rather than taking over your job, it just lends a helping hand.

AI can also assist in the pre-hiring phase. Hiring new colleagues is not an easy job, and on average, a bad hire can cost you up to 130% of the actual salary, and it also affects your clients and possibly the identity of your brand. With the help of algorithms, AI tools can predict the match of the potential hire to the vacancy. It learns to make the best decisions along the way, based on your previous hiring decisions.

One more important benefit in letting AI assist you during the hiring process is that AI masks all personal and demographic information, which eliminates all unconscious biases and leaves you with the truly perfect candidates.

Chatbots in HR

Most people working in HR are willing to answer a question or two from home in the evening, but in the end, most people work around 40 hours a week. As a good employer,  you always want to be there for your existing and new- employees. In total there are 168 hours in a week, which means you are only able to answer employees’ questions just one-fourth of the available time.

With the help of a chatbot, you can increase your accessibility enormously. Chatbots help HR with more prompt responding which is essential for potential hires and employees. HR-professionals need to create time for all the day-to-day questions.

All that time can be relocated when let chatbots handle these often straight forwards questions. More complex questions can’t be handled by the bot of course, and will still need the professional’s expertise.

In this continuously evolving world, it’s important to embrace new technologies, especially if it can help your business. Many companies have developed different software to help with HR Automation. For example, Nmbrs® developed a payroll software with AI integrated into the system, helping the payroll and HR professionals of the future every step of the way.

Look around at the different options there are and make the best of the technology; it will help your business save time and resources.

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