Automotive Industry

Benefits of Hiring a Truck Accident Attorney – Making Things Easier

Benefits of Hiring a Truck Accident Attorney – Making Things Easier

Getting into an accident where a truck has been involved can really be exhausting and stressful. The collision can have…

Fleet monitoring systems you should integrate in 2022

Businesses exist to earn money and every extraneous dollar spent on fleet operating costs detracts from that goal. Inevitably, when…

Analyzing the Latest Advances in Telematics

We live in a connected world, and telematics is here to stay. The world of telematics has seen a number…

Car Safety Technology: The New Trend To Look Forward To In 2022

Technology has been a wonderful part of human history, I could not imagine living in the present world without technological…

5 challenges for the car-sharing industry today

Ivan Agapchev, CEO and Co-Founder of TECHIIA Motorsports and Fleetsy, talks about the main challenges facing the car-sharing industry. Nearly…

How Does Infiniti Extended Warranty Work?

If someone buys a new Infiniti warranty, he will be protected by contract as per terms and conditions for a…

Automotive Marketing Strategies to Drive Business Growth

Image source: Automotive marketing is a competitive industry where consumers invest a lot of money. And today, one of…

Top Signs Your Car Needs Auto Repair Services

Around 12 million cars met with an accident in 2018 in the US alone, according to the figures published by…

Why 2022 Will Be a Big Year for the EV Industry

2021 has been fantastic for the electric vehicle (EV) sector.  Take January and June 2021, for instance. EVs and (Plug-in-electric…

Commercial Trucks Involved In 500,000 Accidents – How To Stay Safe In Yours

Trucks with collision warning systems are 22% less likely to be involved in a rear-end collision, according to the IIHS. This…