Beat Screen Time with Adventure Time on an Electric Scooter

When I see kids with their eyes glued to a digital screen, I can’t help but feel uneasy, thinking about how much they’re missing out on life, especially their youth. But it’s really not just missing out but the fact that too much screen time could also be harmful and detrimental. But then again, we are in the 21st century referred to as the digital age where cyberculture takes over. Truly, balance is the key and as role models, we along with the youth, should learn to adapt to the digital age but also be disciplined to take a break from the screen.

Adventure Time

The best way to stay away from the screen is to get out and leave it for a moment. Tell yourself, “it’s adventure time!” Time to get out and enjoy the outdoors, smell the roses, take a walk or find a new hobby like riding a two wheel electric scooter. 

Introducing Mearth S from Ride Hub

This is why, Mearth S, the entry-level scooter was born – because of a customer demand – the need for Mearth to create it was perhaps because parents felt the need to change the lifestyle of their young ones by incorporating a new habit of getting into the outdoors.

Mearth, is one of the outstanding brands Ride Hub Australia (home of the electrifried beasts) carries. Mearth is the first ever Australian electric scooter company in Australia. They provide top-of-the-line premium e-scooters that are durable and reliable. Every model is well-thought out and carefully executed.

Start rolling with Mearth’s best e-scooter, and show the youngsters how it’s done! Because truth be told, it is heartbreaking to see the children, the hope of the future, spiral downwards because of the harmful side effects of too much screen time. 

Why Screen Time Needs a Time Out

The negative effects from the addiction to the digital screen are innumerable but a few of them include:

  • Behavioral problems exist in children who can’t get their eyes off digital screens are more likely to have emotional, social, and attention problems.
  • Academic problems are affected because of the screen time overdose and the children often do worse on academic testing.
  • Eating disorders are often found in children who forget to prioritize their health and binge too much in sedentary activity, such as watching TV and playing video games. These children either overeat or forget to eat, neither is healthy and can be a risk factor.
  • Sleeping problems are automatically a given, no doubt about that. The light emitted from screens interfere with the sleep cycle in the brain and can lead to insomnia.
  • Sadly, violence is also a problem to address because of a child’s exposure to violent TV shows, movies, music, and video games that can cause them to become desensitized to it and imitate it. It is important that every parent/guardian knows what shows their child is watching and could explain to them the truth behind it. Children may resort to using violence to solve problems if left alone. This has been studied by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

According to Family Life and Child Development specialist and Early Childhood Education consultant Claudette Avelino-Tandoc, “a child’s screen dependency disorder may lead to insomnia, back pain, weight gain or loss, vision problems, headaches, anxiety, dishonesty, feelings of guilt, and loneliness. Ultimately, however, the long-term effects of these symptoms can be as severe as brain damage. In fact, multiple studies exploring the effects of screen dependency disorder have proven that children’s brains shrink or lose tissue in the frontal lobe, striatum, and insula; these areas help to govern planning and organization, suppression of socially unacceptable impulses, and our capacity to develop compassion and empathy, respectively.”

Dr. Avelino-Tandoc continues, “Devices or gadgets are not bad per se. They are useful and essential tools for communication, research, learning, entertainment, among other things. [However] parents are dealing with 21st century learners, what we call ‘digital natives.’ [so] they should allow their kids to manipulate these tools [but] balance is the key word.”

A balanced lifestyle and a disciplined screen time allows parents and their children to bond more through physical activities – especially since the developing years of children should be spent physically exploring, running wild and free, in the great outdoors. Bonding together builds and restores relationships which are vital among children. In a 2015 survey by AVG Technologies, one-third of children reported feeling unimportant when their parents looked at their smartphones during meals or when playing together. Even replying to a quick text message, especially when it’s play time, could be sending children another message that there is something else more important than them. Giving a child interrupted care by repeatedly checking your smartphone could affect his development and his mental health. A 2016 study suggests looking at your digital devices could increase your child’s chances of developing mental health problems, like depression. While work is essential, explanations are crucial for children – they are very inquisitive and they need an answer to their why’s. Talking to them and giving them the time of day molds them and prepares them for society instead of ending up with a black mirror. 

A black mirror is the very screen we all use but specifically when technology stops working and one’s reflection is more visible than ever. Looking back at the black mirror might even reflect a certain emptiness. But then again, it’s still just a mirror and at the very bottom of the technology is us, the society. We are the ones responsible for its misuse which is why establishing family rules with electronics is the way to go, because it’s important to set healthy limits on electronics – this includes the parents as well because telling a child to turn off their video games while the parent is doing just the same won’t do anyone any good. A great way to start would be having house rules and prohibiting the use of screens during family meals, family fun nights, car rides or even bedrooms. In addition, it would be a good tradition to occasionally have a digital detox (one night a week or one weekend a month) for the whole family which could be good for everyone’s physical and emotional health, as well as the family’s relationships.

Get to Know Mearth S more

While problems are not avoidable, some may be prevented. When it comes to screen addiction, the best way is to replace it with a more thrilling activity – an exhilarating electric scooter ride!

Mearth S, one of the Mearth e-scooter models, is a high-quality, locally-designed entry-level electric scooter that was conceptualized in 2015. It is easy to learn, a true trainer to the beginners. This perfect e-scooter was specifically made for young adults, designed with fun in mind and safe still a priority, best of all, it also provides the thrill the young adults crave. It is the top pick for young adults traveling within a 25km range and a reliable disc brake system for maximum protection. These brakes have passed industry standard testing and are the safest and best type of e-scooter brakes in the market. The end goal is for the young adults to be able to enjoy the ride while still staying safe and now that is made possible because of the strong braking power it holds. The Mearth S also has a powerful bright light that reflects the road especially when dark and gloomy. 

The unique specs and features of the Mearth S make commutes easier, efficient, and eco-friendly. Weighing only 12.5 kg, this e-scooter is built for the everyday routine to bring anywhere needed, since it has a swappable battery system and is a foldable e-scooter. All one needs to do is carry multiple lightweight Lithium-ion batteries and swap them quickly and easily. This switchable battery system enables young riders to extend their trips as long as they need. It is truly the on-the-go e-scooter for daily trips. Also, it is a portable electric scooter, one of the lightest and most compact e-scooter in the Australian market, taking only one second to fold it. 

The color display screen of the Mearth S is also up-to-date with modern times. Just with one screen, the speed mode and distance traveled can easily be seen and accessed. 

If we’re talking about the image, the Mearth S is a beaut. Sleek black with hot red accents, emphasizing speed and power of this modern e-scooter – honestly almost hard to resist – no wonder why it’s the young adults favorite!

I could go on and on explaining how grand the Mearth S is but the best way to see for yourself is really by trying it out. To see it up close and personal, Mearth S can be found at the Ride Hub physical store at Chatswood, NSW or at Ride Hub’s mall store at the 4th level of the Macquarie Centre, NSW.

Get a FREE Mearth S

What if I told you that the Mearth S is for free? Oh yes it is! 

This month, Ride Hub is giving away a FREE Mearth S for every purchased Mearth GTS Max for only $2,599 AUD (Recommended Retail Price valued at $3498). That’s $899 in savings! This is by far the best promotion available because of this exciting freebie.

The Mearth GTS Max is known to be a superior, high-performance electric scooter that offers an unbeatable travel experience for its rider. From rough terrains to long-distance travels, the Mearth GTS MAX exceeds expectations and offers unlimited possibilities. I would expound on the Mearth GTS Max but this will be for another article, for now, Mearth S is the star.

Another promo Ride Hub also has is for every purchase of either the Mearth RS ($1,149 AUD), Mearth S Pro ($899 AUD) or the Mearth S ($699 AUD), you can get a free Airlite or Nutshell Helmet. 

Head on over to the branches of Ride Hub or order online now! Promotions and discounts may vary monthly so if you missed this promo – which I hope you don’t – the best way to be updated is through the social media accounts of Ride Hub.

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