Brain Power Wellness Students Review and Reflect upon the Advanced Student Leadership Program

The recent Brain Power Wellness ASLP (Advanced Student Leadership Program) for Middle and High School students is one of the most impactful of BPW student programs and is held in the Summer. It’s focus is to boost students’ confidence in teaching brain breaks and to mentor students in physical and mental wellness using Brain Power Wellness methods. 

In this article, Brain Power Wellness students review their expectations prior to participating in this program to help them prepare to get the most out of the experience. 

Why do you want to attend the Advanced Student Leadership Retreat in NY?

“I want to attend the Advance Student Leadership Retreat to grow more as a brainpower leader and also grow mindset-wise because I think that this trip will help me become more wise and give me tips on mindset wellbeing. Also, I think it’ll be a fun opportunity to meet new people and share some things I’ve learned from being a Brain Power Wellness Student Leader.” – 10th grade student from Kingsborough Early College Secondary School, Brooklyn, NY

“This experience will help me achieve better academic and school performance….and be a better example to my classmates in this new school year in Crotona – Myah, 11th grade, Crotona International High School, Bronx, NY

“I want to be able to spread my positivity to other people, and I feel like this would be the perfect opportunity to learn how to do that. While I was doing Brain Power Wellness, I was able to not only feel better mentally but also physically.” –Davian, 11th grade, Oneida Nation High School Green Bay, WI

What is awesome about you that you look forward to bringing to the retreat? What is something you look forward to learning and bringing back to your school community?

“What is awesome about me is I try to bring fun and joy and love to make new friends. I am looking forward to learning how to improve my leadership skills. We can use BPW with students who are struggling and need help. We did a lot of Brain Power Wellness this year and maybe during my advisory class I can help the teacher do it with the class.” 

– David, 6th grade, Fannie Lou Hamer Middle School, Bronx, NY 

“Something awesome about me is how I can view situations from different perspectives to understand how others perceive the world. Something I look forward to is learning self-confidence and trying out physical challenges such as rock climbing.” – Lael, 9th grade, High School for Global Citizenship 

“I look forward to bringing a positive and happy energy / aura so that everyone can feel comfortable being near me. – Dhorey, 11th grade, Kingsborough Early College Secondary School, Brooklyn, NY

“I look forward to using my people skills to build bonds and be as transparent as possible with my peers. I hope to learn more ease with which to communicate with others and relate to them. We need daily meditation to bring calm energy into my school, most likely in the morning announcements. Also, I want to create a seminar about mental health practices for students.” – Mia, 11th grade, Epic High-School North, Queens, NY

“I look forward to working together as a team promoting leadership and taking what I learned to the community.” – Noah, 10th grade High School for Global Citizenship, Bronx, NY

“I think that I can talk to my teachers about taking a small time in the classroom to share some helpful BPW tips and exercises that can help them and just take a break from all the work we’re doing.” – Laila, 10th grade Kingsborough Early College Secondary School, Brooklyn NY

The reflections of students participating in the Brain Power Wellness Advanced Student Leadership Program reveal their enthusiasm and intentions. Each student expressed unique goals and aspirations, from enhancing leadership skills and fostering positive school environments to personal growth in their mindset and wellbeing. The program promises to not only equip these young leaders with tools for mental and physical wellness but also to enable them to bring back valuable tools and practices to their school communities. Their eagerness to learn, share, and grow underscores the transformative potential of the program, fostering a generation of empowered and mindful student leaders.

About Brain Power Wellness

Brain Power Wellness (BPW) is a holistic organization committed to creating vibrant and nurturing educational environments in schools. The primary goal of Brain Power Wellness is to transform the culture of educational institutions by promoting personal growth, mindfulness, community unity, immersive retreat experiences, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), comprehensive wellness practices, and cognitive enhancement techniques tailored for educators, students, families, and school leaders. Impressively, BPW’s influence has expanded to corporate sectors, and within the prison system of NYC, where teams and individuals now benefit from life-changing retreats and services that provide participants with essential strategies to foster healthy, sustainable, and positive environments.