Tips for Breaking into the Creative Sector

The creative sector is one of the most challenging to succeed in, however, once you have overcome the initial hurdles, it is both stimulating and exciting to the point you may never feel you are at work. In the last decade, the number of businesses in the creative sector has doubled, which means there is plenty of scope for individuals looking for employment and a high demand for new businesses who wish to break into the sector.

Creativity comes in many forms, however, is perfect for those with a vivid imagination and plenty of innovation.

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In this guide, we are going to look at some of the best tips for breaking into the creative sector:

Build a portfolio

Whether you are looking to start up your own business in the creative industry or applying for a job in the sector, it is important to prove your skills and experience by building a portfolio.

While you may have the relevant education under your belt, customers and employers want to see proof of your achievements. You could arrange your portfolio to show your most relevant and recent work first to better suit the current opportunity.

Know how to get yourself noticed

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A business in the creative industry is all about getting yourself noticed. Without any publicity, it is usually impossible to make a respectable living due to the vast amount of competition you are up against.

With this in mind, it is important to be aware of how to gain acknowledgement of your work. This may mean attending events, starting a blog or even discovering options for publishing your book if you have the ambition to become a writer.


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In the same manner, networking is also important for identification in such a tough market and forwarding your career or business opportunities. It is not always what you know, but who you know when it comes to getting your foot in the door

It is always beneficial to chat to other professionals in the industry who may be able to give first-hand advice on how to progress and it is now easier than ever to do so, thanks to online social media platforms, such as Twitter and LinkedIn.

Educate yourself on the industry

Like most other industries, the creative industry is constantly evolving, therefore, you need to stay up to date with advancements, so you know exactly what you are talking about in a professional setting.

You can carry out research online or even attend workshops or seminars which may come in useful for furthering your career. Moreover, it is also important to stay on the lookout for gaps in the market in which your talent could be used; either within an existing company or starting your own firm.

Be resilient

Succeeding in any industry is a challenge, however, the creative industry is one of the most difficult to tackle due to the number of knockbacks you are likely to face along the way.

Remember, this is not usually a personal attack or down to your lack of talent, but more to the point that there is a vast amount of talent out there on the hunt for the same opportunities. To survive in this sector, you will need to build a sense of resilience and learn not to give up when you are forced backwards.

Interesting related article: “What is Networking?