Bringing a Hair Relaxer Lawsuit: Do You Need a Lawyer?

A lot of women who have curly or textured hair use hair straightening products. According to several studies, such products can cause the development of cancers. Because of this, victims have been bringing lawsuits against the manufacturer of the product. If you have been a user of this product and have a cancer diagnosis, you may want to pursue a hair relaxer lawsuit to get compensation from the responsible party. 

Litigating product liability claims is challenging because of the fierce defenses that product manufacturers and insurers assert. A good product liability attorney can protect your rights and help you determine your eligibility for a lawsuit. 

Hair Products and Cancer

Chemical hair straighteners are made to help people with curly hair enjoy straightened hair. But these products contain a lot of harsh ingredients such as endocrine-disrupting chemicals that can increase your risk of some kinds of cancer including ovarian and uterine cancer. In addition, women who use hair relaxer products are at increased risk of experiencing abnormal tissue growth. The following are some kinds of cancer associated with these hair products:

  • Uterine fibroids: These tumors grow in the uterus’s muscular walls. Their sizes can vary and while they are usually non-cancerous, they can lead to chronic pain.
  • Ovarian cancer: This type of cancer develops in the ovaries and is especially deadly. The early stages of this cancer do not cause outward symptoms, making it hard to diagnose. Diagnoses usually happen when the cancer has progressed into an advanced, fatal stage.
  • Endometriosis: This can happen when interior uterine tissue starts to grow on other organs like the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Endometriosis is painful and can lead to infertility.

Why Hire a Lawyer

If you have been diagnosed with cancer associated with the use of chemical hair straighteners or relaxers, take action right away. Contact an attorney who can help you join a class action lawsuit against the manufacturer of the hair relaxer you used and fight for your rights. You may be eligible for compensation that covers your medical expenses and pain and suffering. 

Your attorney will secure the necessary information to prove your case and bring in expert witnesses who can demonstrate how the type of cancer you are suffering from may have resulted from straighter chemicals. Your lawyer will compute your total losses that resulted from your cancer. Such evaluation will include past and current losses as well as future lost income and medical costs. They will seek maximum compensation in your lawsuit. 

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