
Companies benefit from a flexible wage system

A group of researchers have analyzed the effects that decentralized wage negotiations have on companies in the private sector. There’s been a growing trend of...

Japan needs to reduce debt mountain, says IMF

Japan needs fundamental reforms and a credible plan to reduce its debt mountain, says the Executive Board of the IMF (International Monetary Fund). The IMF...
apple logo

ITC Apple import ban overturned

The Obama administration has overturned a ban on older models of iPhones and iPads being sold in the USA. This is despite the ITC (International...

Newsweek bought out by IBT Media

Newsweek has been bought out by IBT Media from IAC/InterActiveCorp (IACI). IBT believes that it is capable of making the brand very profitable. IBT Media...

Dell shares increase by 5.5 percent following buyout offer

Dell shares have increased by 5.5 percent to $13.68 per share, following a buyout offer from founder of company, Michael Dell.  Mr Dell is attempting...

Boston Globe sold for just $70m

The Boston Globe has been sold by The New York Times for just $70m, a fraction of the $1.1bn it paid for the newspaper...
US Flag

Jobless rate drops to 7.4%, USA

The American economy added 162,000 jobs in July, bringing the jobless rate down to 7.4%. In July 2012, 8.2% of U.S. adults were jobless. Economists...

Most Americans are not optimistic about their financial position in the next six months

The majority of Americans believe that their household’s financial position will not improve in the next six months. Most Americans aren’t that optimistic about the...

Middle aged were hit hardest by the ‘Great Recession’

According to a recent analysis conducted at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, middle-aged adults were hit hardest by the ‘Great Recession’, which...
Home working

More young adults living with their parents

Last year, 36% of American young adults were living with their parents. According to an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data, a record 21.6 million...