A List Of Devices To Make Work More Fun

There is a reason Monday is the most dreaded day of the week. It is just so hard to get back to work after a fun-filled weekend with your friends. Dragging yourself out of bed to get into “work mode” is a challenge in itself, especially if you work at a job site and have to endure the winter frostbite. But, let’s not be too morbid, everyone works and if you don’t work hard you don’t get to play hard! So, here is a list of some fun devices that can make the work week a little more bearable:

  • Bluetooth Speakers

Work more fun bluetooth speaker image 4Keep the party going and add some fun tunes in the background while you do some bricklaying. 

Go for great audio quality as advised by www.bangingtoolbox.com/best-jobsite-radio/, you will also find some cool features like compartments for food and drinks and even charging docks for your USB devices. If you work in an office and the office policy allows it, play your favorite classical music while you work on some unappetizing excel sheets. 

  • Headphones

If your colleagues don’t appreciate the sound of your music blasting from the Bluetooth speaker, opt for a cool noise-canceling headset that will take you to a whole new world and make you forget all about the Monday blues.

  • Gaming Console

Having a staff recreational room for break time is a trend nowadays in most offices, especially those working in young casual environments. Video games are huge crowd-pleasers and are sure to boost the morale of employees. Organize championships with your gaming colleagues and have the losing team buy lunch for the winning one. This will surely make you look forward to your office days.

  • Ergonomic Massage Chair

There is nothing more fun than the utmost relaxation! Replacing your boring office chair with a massage one will release your neck tension from the intense session you had at the gym the day before. Of course, this is quite an investment and you need to check with HR before you make the purchase. 

  • Smartwatches

Closing the activity rings on your smartwatch is such a pleasing achievement one looks forward to every day! You will be more encouraged to take the stairs to the break area instead of waiting for the elevator. Keeping track of your exercise progress and calorie intake throughout the day is a fun way to stay mindful of your health and think twice before you reach for that second piece of cake at yet another office birthday. 

  • Voice-Recorder Pen

Instead of hustling to jot down every single idea your boss throws at you in a meeting, by just a click of a button you can record the conversation instead. It’s efficient and easy to use, it’ll also save you typing time if you download software to transfer audio into a written document, then all you have to do is copy and paste to your email and share with the rest of your team members. 

  • Fidget Spinner

Studies have shown that some people focus better when playing with a fidget spinner. It’s not only fun, but it releases stress and helps with anxiety. You can even have it in hand when giving a nerve-wracking presentation in front of the whole department. Just make sure it does not distract your audience from following your slides. 

  • Rubik’s Cube

Take a quick break to solve the mind-boggling enigma that is the Rubik’s cube. You will surely enjoy the small distraction while making the mundane client follow up calls. This will  make your mind stay alert during your workday while having some useful fun.

  • Stability Ball

This is a fun way to move your body and gain some health benefits while you’re at it. Stability balls are cheap, and you can stack one under your desk and take it out when you want to get in some ab exercises during the day to pick you up after a heavy meal. 

  • Smartphones

If all else fails, you know you can always count on your good old smartphone. Scrolling through Pinterest will sure give you that much-needed breather during the day. Or go through one of your friends’ inspiring quotes on Facebook that will gear you towards a successful rest of the week. 

Weekdays can be a nuisance and dreary to get through,  but with the help of some cool gadgets that will keep you engaged, you can actually look forward to your office time; especially if it’s for one of those gaming tournaments or gadgets that make your work more efficient. Thus, the above mentioned list are some of the devices to make your work fun.