Top 5 DevOps Trends You Shouldn’t Miss in 2021

Latest trends in information technology and DevOps. Read the article to be at the top of technology and the future of DevOps.

Deops Trends - 2021
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Table of contents:

  1. Why following the trends is so vital?
  2. Cloud Oriented Technologies
  3. Hybrid trend
  4. Platform as a product (PaaS) implementation
  5. Automation will become even more important
  6. The faster you adopt, the further you are from the competition

Why following the trends is so vital?

The second ten of the DevOps approach has begun. And now it’s not just about exploitation and development. The approach is now also aimed at disclosing the value of the product, its functions. To blur the lines between a business and its customers. To evolve with technology, you need to know where DevOps is heading. It is important to know what to expect and how the technology will evolve.

According to Alpacked there are 5 trends you should not miss in 2021.

Cloud Oriented Technologies

More and more companies will use cloud technologies. This is due to the events taking place in the world, the development of remote work.

The relevance of cloud computing lies in continuity and agility. Cloud technologies make it possible to regulate the processes in the company on a daily basis. DevOps practices integrate processes to update and improve the software.

Companies implementing DevOps increase the performance of the entire system. Rather than increasing any individual blocks. Thus, the lines between exploitation and development become blurred. New opportunities for work are opening up. Learn more from Alpacked about examples of how cloud-native microservices-based applications allow implementation of the best DevOps practices.

DevOps is the trend for cloud computing in business. Thanks to this approach, businesses find it easier to orient themselves towards the market. Besides, Thanks to DevOps, product release is shrinking. Updates based on user experience and feedback come out faster. This certainly satisfies the needs of the customers and increases their interest in the product.

In addition, information security is of great importance. DevSecOps influences the level of security at any stage of software product development. Conduct security testing using DevOps already during the development and deployment stages. Then the security will increase significantly. From this comes another safety trend. DevSecOps will become an integral part of DevOps. CI/CD pipelines will contain fewer additional security parameters. Safety awareness will be automatic and a vital part of all steps on the pipeline.

Hybrid trend

Many companies have transferred employees to remote work, and it has shown its effectiveness. Therefore, now a hybrid is becoming a trend – combining work remotely and in the office. A recent IDC report says more than 75% of businesses will adopt a hybrid structure in 3 years.

Hybrid cloud technology.

However, the trend is not only about the work format. It is also about business models. For example, conferences that combine both virtual format and local area networks. In addition, the deployment will also take on a hybrid format. As already mentioned, cloud technologies will be a definite trend.

Companies are working to take advantage of the cloud. Namely hybrid clouds. They combine both private and public clouds. Depending on the cost, the load is distributed among the cloud solutions. Thus, the work becomes more flexible. It also touches on the issue of security. With hybrid clouds, companies can conveniently and securely control sensitive information.

Platform as a product (PaaS) implementation

PaaS image.

Many companies will strive to implement this model. However, it won’t be easy. In order to reduce the burden on software development teams, companies are implementing this model. They find that approaching the platform as a product requires a different approach from the past.

This approach is usually used for B2B and B2C cloud products. However, it will be applied to internal platforms as well. The focus is on user experience (UX). So, the internal platforms will be more responsive, more flexible. Developers will not be limited to them.

The PaaS approach assumes that the user has access to information technology platforms. Such platforms are database management systems, operating systems, development and testing tools. With this approach, the user can use the resources of these platforms by changing the computing resources. It is possible how to operate software, test, install and develop on such platforms.

Delivering product value will come to the fore

Product Value Importance.

The trend is that DevOps will focus on delivering business value and value streams. This is achievable through closer interaction between stakeholders in the business. Measuring the correct business KPIs will become very important. As before, customer response to the product will be very important. And focusing on improvement based on feedback and requests.

Business parties will increasingly agree on the goals and objectives of projects. DevOps will continue to evolve. But as the teams manage to implement the current trends. For example, one aspect of value stream creation is workflow optimization. Many teams have not yet figured out how to shorten the cycle from idea to implementation of its value.

It can be noted that the best step is to design a project based on its value. Collecting feedback in real-time, as Microsoft actively does, will become an integral part. The focus on the value of the product should stimulate user interest in it.

Automation will become even more important

DevOps and focused on automation. This is the main principle of the approach. However, automation will become even more important in the future, this being for the increase in popularity of no code/low code devops automation. Test automation at all stages of software development. This is not new, but not all companies are adopting this approach yet. As DevOps will be more human-centered, product reviews will be received more often.

The sooner a company gets feedback from users or beta testers, the faster it can make edits. This will make the software development cycle faster. This is what companies strive for. After all, the faster they can deliver the final product, the more customer satisfaction they will get. It is important to remember that quality and reliability are not sacrificed in the pursuit of automation. That is why testing iterations are carried out not only for the added or changed functionality. But regression testing has great importance too.

Another thing which is worth your attention is Chaos Engineering. This practice involves continuous testing. The point is to accidentally cause software crashes. This technology is needed to test fault tolerance. As well as measuring the recovery time after failures. Nora Jones has described as a part of AWS event in 2017 why it is so vital to perform chaotic testing.

Chaos engineering is predicted to become 40% more popular in three years. Only this growth will help reduce the number of errors by 20%.

The faster you adopt, the further you are from the competition

Companies that follow these trends will be able to improve their business. They will have much more power to develop, deploy, and deliver reliable software. Companies that can keep track of these trends will remain out of the competition. This is an important factor as DevOps is already a popular practice. The last decade has seen a huge boom in DevOps.

It is no longer news to anyone that this is a reliable and effective approach. Alpacked conducted research among companies. It turned out that the inexperienced spend 80% more on DevOps implementation than they could with outsourcing. Thousands of companies have implemented it over the past year. And the more advanced technology you use, the further you are from the competition. It is important to note that this is not just a matter of competition.

The trends described in this article are already starting to be implemented. DevOps does not stand still, and new trends will and will continue to appear. They will be built on the basis of the previous ones. And companies quickly adopting new practices will keep it simple.

Interesting related article: “What is Cloud Computing?