Disaster Recovery Strategy: 7 Key Steps to Creating a Plan for Your Business

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Businesses are constantly being poked and prodded for holes in their technology’s security, and attackers are finding new strategies daily to breakthrough.

Having a disaster recovery plan saves a business from going down in the event of a catastrophic event. This can be natural disasters, system compromises, or even robbery.

With a disaster recovery plan, you can circumvent all the stress of something happening by always having a backup plan. A disaster recovery strategy is your business’ technological insurance which can be especially important if insurance companies abandon a disaster-prone area.

Having the steps ready for what to do when a disaster happens is the best way to ensure your business stays open even if something horrible happens. We are here to help you plan for your future to keep everything running like the well-oiled machine you built.

  1. Have a Plan for When Critical Assets Break

Critical assets include computers, programs, and data that need to be protected. Once you’ve identified what is critical to your business running you’re on your way!

  1. List All of the Disasters That Can Occur

Identifying disasters like fire, hurricanes, computer compromises, and others that could damage critical assets is essential to a disaster recovery strategy.

  1. Get Insurance to Cover Your Assets

There are events that are unavoidable regardless of how much you plan ahead, and this is where insurance comes in. There is insurance that will cover every object that exists for your business, and it is highly recommended to have it.

  1. Create a Plan for Each Disaster Type

Now that you’ve found all the different types of disasters that could happen, it’s time to plan for the worst. If a fire breaks out, who grabs what, or do you grab anything at all?
Rather than scrambling to find fuel after a disaster, it is better to have an emergency fuel service so businesses can continue to run smoothly, no matter the weather.
Having something in place for when these emergencies break out is crucial to any disaster recovery strategy.

  1. Have Secondary Equipment

Having equipment at a secondary location for your main business has been one of the main strategies for over a decade. If you have a plan to set up at a secondary site with similar equipment, you can have your business back up and running in an hour or less sometimes.

  1. Backup All Your Data

Data isn’t something people think about very often, but losing all your tax information or other critical data can cause a business disaster on its own. Always back up all your data because it’s hard to know what’s important until it’s gone.

  1. Stress Test the Plan

Once you’ve formed a plan, you’re almost there. A plan has to be put to the test. This is typically done once every 6 months or once every quarter for a business. It keeps people fresh and knowing how to react in case of an emergency.

Keep the Business Running with a Disaster Recovery Strategy

The only goal of a disaster recovery strategy is to keep a business running as often as possible. If a business isn’t open, it isn’t making money, so a disaster recovery strategy should be valued highly in anyone’s business plan.

If you’re wondering about running other parts of your business, feel free to check out our other blogs! We are constantly working on updating content to keep you up to date.

Interesting related article: “What is a Business Plan?”

Video – What is Insurance?