Drive Pivotal – Is a car subscription worth it?

The flexibility and lack of long-term commitment make car subscriptions a very interesting prospect for many.

Compare this to leasing or ownership, where you’re either signed up to a minimum period of repayments or have to fork out a large initial sum and you can see why subscriptions are becoming increasingly popular.

Some models expect car subscriptions to increase globally by over 20% annually for the next 8 years.

Of course, with anything contemporary, there is a lot more to be done and further exposure to the possibility of subscribing to a car rather than purchasing or leasing is required.

The details of car subscriptions

When you sign up for a Pivotal subscription scheme, you’ll be granted a whole host of benefits. While you won’t own the car that you’ll be driving, you will have complete access to it as and when you please.

The terms of any subscription package can differ from the next, so be sure to ask your dedicated Pivotal expert exactly what your deal includes.

Top-of-the-range vehicles, like the Land Rover and Jaguar cars, are included in our subscription packages, meaning you can show off your luxury vehicle at little up-front cost.

The downside of ownership is that a car is rarely ever worth more than what you paid for it as time goes on, a term known as depreciation; this is another issue you won’t have to deal with when signing up for a subscription because you’ve not bought the car outright and can select a newer model later down the line if you choose to.

Take the hassle out of paying

Road tax, car insurance, finance repayments, and potential clean air zone fees are all costs you could normally incur when purchasing and owning a car outright. It can become a minefield to stay on top of numerous payments to several providers. Perhaps this is a reason the rate of car ownership is on a downward trend.

Car subscriptions with Pivotal take all of that hassle away by combining every necessary transaction into one easy and simple monthly payment.

Whether the overall price is cheaper than owning is sometimes difficult to measure because of factors like depreciation and general wear and tear to the vehicle, but subscriptions certainly save your immediate cash flow in the short term.

Being able to spread your payments across several months without needing to make up the overall cost of the car is hugely beneficial to many.

Leasing is not quite the same, although it has similarities. When leasing, you’ve committed to a minimum length of time that you’ll be paying your monthly fees. As we’ve established, this isn’t the case for subscribing.

On top of that, it’s not as likely that you’ll receive the all-inclusive benefits that you do with subscriptions either. 

Subscriptions aren’t just personal either

Much like the cycle-to-work scheme, employees have their subscriptions incorporated through “salary sacrifice”, which means the money is taken from your wages to pay for the vehicle.

This is good for the owner who avoids another issue to contend with, but also means the company as a whole can save on assets and free themselves from negative cash flow.

If there is an employee who has left then you can simply pause the subscription before setting up a new one for their replacement.

Electric cars, like the Jaguar I-PACE, are available at Pivotal too if you’re an eco-conscious business owner who wants to reduce their impact on the environment and promote good Corporate Social Responsibility.


If you’re short of up-front capital, a business owner looking at alternative ways to access company cars, or would simply prefer to spread out your payments while enjoying the numerous benefits that come with a subscription, this could be what you’re looking for.

The growth of the car subscription market tells you that times are changing and people would rather pay monthly without any long-term commitment. Explore the entire range of subscriptions available today.

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