Exploring Your Return Potential: How Much Can You Earn on a ₹5 Lakh Investment?

Investing strategically is crucial for achieving your financial goals. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, understanding the potential returns across different investment options is key. It is crucial to learn about Fixed Deposits (FDs) as an investment avenue. 

You must explore the estimated returns you can expect for a ₹5 Lakh deposit across various tenors (investment periods). You can also explore how a tool like an FD calculator can assist you in making informed investment decisions.

Understanding Fixed Deposits

Fixed Deposits (FDs) are a popular investment avenue in India. It is a great option for risk-averse individuals seeking stability and guaranteed returns. By investing a lump sum amount for a predetermined tenor, you earn a fixed interest rate on your deposit. 

This predictability makes FDs an attractive option for various financial goals, such as:

  • Saving for a down payment on a house
  • Accumulating funds for a child’s education
  • Receiving regular income

The interest rates on FDs are influenced by various factors, including market conditions, RBI policies, and the tenor of the deposit. Unlike market-linked investments, FDs offer peace of mind. Hence, you can know how much your investment will grow over the chosen tenor. You can consider it to be one of the safest investment options. You could also use this tool to estimate a ₹5 Lakh FD’s interest per month

Analysing Returns Over Various Time Horizons

Here’s a breakdown of an FD investment across various tenors, including 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, and 10 years: 

  • One Year Investment

Assuming an interest rate of 6% per annum, investing ₹5 lakh in an FD for one year would yield ₹30,000 in interest. The total maturity amount would be ₹5,30,000.

  • Two Year Investment

With a two-year investment horizon, compounding plays a significant role. At the same 6% p.a. interest rate, the total maturity amount after two years would be ₹5,61,800, resulting in a higher return compared to a one-year investment. 

  • Three Year Investment

Extending the investment period to three years further enhances returns. With compounding, the total maturity amount would be ₹5,95,508, demonstrating the benefits of long-term investments in FDs. 

  • Five Year Investment

Investing ₹5 Lakhs in an FD for five years at 6% interest would result in a maturity amount of ₹6,69,113. Despite the relatively lower interest rate environment, the power of compounding over a longer period boosts returns.

  • Ten Year Investment

For investors with a longer time horizon, a ten-year investment in FDs offers stability and consistent returns. Assuming a similar interest rate, the total maturity amount after ten years would be ₹8,95,424, highlighting the long-term benefits of FDs.

Using an FD Calculator for Precise Estimates

An FD calculator can provide more precise figures based on your specific situation. It is an online tool that factors in your investment amount, tenor, and interest rates. It calculates the estimated maturity amount and monthly interest payout.

Here’s how an FD Calculator can be beneficial for your FD investment decisions:

  • Compare Different FD Issuers 

Using the same investment amount and tenor into FD calculators offered by various issuers allows you to compare their interest rates side-by-side. This empowers you to choose the issuer offering the highest return for your chosen tenor.

  • Explore Different Tenors 

FD calculators allow you to experiment with different tenors for your ₹5 Lakh investment. Seeing the impact of the tenor on the total interest earned can help you decide on the optimal investment period.

  • Plan for Monthly Interest

Some FD Calculators allow you to choose the payout frequency. This helps you visualise the potential monthly interest and plan for a regular income stream.

Remember, FD calculators are a valuable tool for estimation, but they don’t account for all factors. It’s always best to consult with a financial advisor to discuss your individual circumstances and risk tolerance before making any final investment decisions.


A ₹5 lakh investment can be a significant step towards achieving your financial goals. Fixed deposits offer a secure and predictable option with guaranteed returns. Understanding the factors influencing your FD returns can equip you to make an informed decision.

A successful investment strategy can be built on careful planning and diversification. By understanding your financial goals, risk tolerance, and the various investment options available, you can make informed decisions and watch your investment grow over time. Don’t hesitate to seek professional advice for a personalised investment plan tailored to your unique circumstances.