Fibreglass Vs Concrete Pools

Whether you’re a homeowner, comparing swimming pools for a new home, or a family planning to build one, there are many different pool types to choose from. The most popular are in-ground and above-ground models. 

There are also numerous pool designs of varying shapes and sizes available on the market today. In addition, some styles have unique features such as infinity edges that create a feeling of being surrounded by water from all angles.

However, when purchasing a swimming pool, one of the most important considerations you must make is the material used for construction. The two most prominent in use today are fibreglass and concrete. Each type comes with different benefits and uses. This article will be going through a comparison of fibreglass versus concrete pools and what you can expect from either of them when considering your swimming pool installation.


Fibreglass is a type of plastic that consists of fibres, typically glass. It is robust and can withstand a considerable amount of weight. It is also easier to maintain. However, a pool made from fibreglass has a limit to the depth of water you can go for compared to a concrete pool. 

Concrete pools are made from cement and aggregate, a mixture of crushed stone, gravel, sand, and clay. Concrete pools are cheaper but more difficult to maintain than fibreglass pools because they require constant attention for cracks or leaks that can cause structural damage.

Size and Design

Concrete pools are known for their durability and design flexibility. This material allows you to select any design that matches your preferences without the need for major adjustments. Moreover, they can be as large or small as you want.

On the other hand, fibreglass is manufactured with a limited scope of sizes and designs from which you can select.


Fibreglass pools require a more involved installation process than concrete. They are delivered as a shell that requires you to construct a retaining wall or bond beam. As a result, beyond the pool builder, you may also need to engage the services of a concrete expert or a landscaper.

Conversely, concrete pool installation is a more straightforward process since it requires only the creation of a metal frame into which the concrete is poured. Thus you do not need to have more than one specialist to execute the process.


Fibreglass is used very widely in pool construction, but there are many significant considerations to make during installation. Primary among them is transportation. Fibreglass shells are usually assembled by the manufacture then shipped whole to the final site. But remember that this material tends to be more fragile than concrete. As a result, transporting the structure can be time-consuming, logistically complex and costly. 

When comparing the above intricacies with the relatively more straightforward process of ordering a mixing truck to pour concrete into a frame, you get a clearer picture of how installing a concrete pool may be more budget-friendly.


There is no question that concrete is significantly more durable than fibreglass. The proof lies in the tendency of fibreglass to form blisters, fade and even develop cracks over time. Furthermore, concrete pools fare better if you drain the pool and leave the shell empty over long periods. The fibreglass alternative, in contrast, must be filled with water as soon as the installation is complete to avoid the risk of the shell popping out.

With the comparisons between concrete and fibreglass laid bare, you can now make an informed choice in the type of material to use for your new pool. However, if you need further consultation, you can contact your local pool builder for a professional’s take. 

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