Climate Change refers to the long-term shift in Earth’s average temperatures and weather patterns. Specifically, it refers to a large-scale shift; in other words, across the whole planet.
For the past 4.5 billion years, Earth has gone through many ice ages and periods of tropical climate. Since the Industrial Revolution, average temperatures have risen marginally.
Scientists say that the marginal increase in average global temperature is mainly due to the rise in atmospheric CO2. CO2 stands for carbon dioxide. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases help keep the Earth’s surface warm.
According to Britain’s Met Office, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have risen by 40% since the Industrial Revolution. That is an unprecedented rise in at least 800,000 years.
This has triggered a climate change. In other words, our planet’s climate is gradually changing. There is warming throughout the entire climate systems.
Regarding the rise in carbon dioxide levels, the Met Office says:
“This has caused warming throughout the climate system, and multiple indicators show evidence that our climate is changing.”
“The atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, sea level has risen, and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased.”

Climate change vs. global warming
Many people use the two terms interchangeably. However, although we can use both terms in many situations and scenarios, their meanings are different.
Put simply, one is part of the other, just like bananas are fruit but not the other way round.
Climate change
Climate change refers to anything that results in a different climate across the planet. This includes, for example, long-term, average global temperatures dropping by ten degrees. However, a decline in temperature would not be global warming.
If, on the other hand, long-term, average global temperature rose, it would be both a climate change and global warming matter.
Global warming
We only use the term ‘global warming’ when a change in climate involves a rise in global temperatures.
In other words, global warming is one of the possible features of climate change. However, climate change may also include declining temperatures, more/fewer severe droughts, or more/less rainfall.
If there are more hurricanes each year across the world, this is a climate change feature. It is not a global warming feature, although it could be a consequence of global warming.

Climate change – since 1850s
Since the 1850s, the average surface temperature of our planet has increased by about 1 °C. Scientists warn that the temperature rise is about to accelerate.
Each of the past three decades has been successively hotter than any preceding one. Of the seventeen warmest years on record, sixteen have occurred since 2001.
Climate change – our fault?
Today’s warming trend is most probably our fault. In fact, NASA says that the probability that it is our fault is greater than 95%.
NASA specifies that the current rise on global temperatures is most probably due to human activity since the mid-20th century.
NASA adds that the temperature rise is “proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over decades to millennia.”

Greenhouse gases
It is partly thanks to the warmth of the Sun that life on Earth exists. Some of the Sun’s solar radiation, i.e., heat, bounces off Earth’s surface back into space.
Gases in our atmosphere, however, trap a small portion of that heat. In other words, those gases act like a layer of insulation.
We refer to the gases in the atmosphere that trap heat from the Sun as ‘greenhouse gases.’
Carbon dioxide or CO2 is the most important, i.e., most abundant, greenhouse gas. CO2 now traps more heat than at the end of the Industrial revolution because there is more of it.
Consequently, Earth’s average temperature has risen. In other words, high carbon dioxide levels have triggered climate change.
Methane or CH4, a common fuel source, is also a very potent greenhouse gas. Methane is the main component of the fossil fuel natural gas. We use this fuel a lot because it is so abundant.
International accords like the Paris Agreement reflect the global consensus on the need for collaborative action to significantly limit temperature increases in this century.
Most scientists agree that if we are serious about addressing climate change, we need to reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases.
Emerging technologies, such as carbon capture and storage, offer promising avenues for mitigating the impact of these emissions on our planet’s climate.
Dr. Chris Hope, a researcher in London, proposes introducing a climate change tax.
Climate change vocabulary
There are many compound nouns containing the words “climate change,” such as “climate change impact.” A compound noun is a term that consists of two or more words. Let’s have a look at some of them, their meanings, and how we can use them in a sentence:
Climate Change Mitigation
Efforts or actions to reduce the severity or pace of climate change.
Example: “The government implemented new policies for climate change mitigation to reduce carbon emissions.”
Climate Change Adaptation
Adjustments in practices, processes, or structures to minimize the negative effects of climate change.
Example: “Farmers are learning new techniques in climate change adaptation to cope with unpredictable weather patterns.”
Climate Change Denial
The refusal to accept the scientific consensus that climate change is occurring and primarily caused by human activity.
Example: “Despite overwhelming evidence, climate change denial is still prevalent in some communities.”
Climate Change Policy
Regulations and strategies developed by governments or organizations to address and manage the impacts of climate change.
Example: “The international summit focused on creating a unified climate change policy.”
Climate Change Impact
The effects and consequences of climate change on the environment, societies, and economies.
Example: “Scientists are studying the climate change impact on coastal ecosystems.”
Climate Change Activism
Actions and movements aimed at raising awareness and prompting action against climate change.
Example: “Youth around the world are increasingly engaged in climate change activism.”
Climate Change Model
Computational or mathematical simulations used to predict future changes in the climate based on current data and trends.
Example: “Researchers used a climate change model to forecast the effects of increased greenhouse gas emissions.”