International Trade refers to the exchange of products and services from one country to another. In other words, imports and exports. International trade consists of goods and services moving in two directions: 1. Imports – flowing into a country from abroad. 2. Exports – flowing out of a country and sold overseas.
Visible trade refers to the buying and selling of goods – solid, tangible things – between countries. Invisible trade, on the other hand, refers to services.
Most economists globally agree that international trade helps boost nations’ wealth.
When a person or company purchases a cheaper product or service from another country, living standards in both nations rise.
There are several reasons why we buy things from foreign suppliers. Perhaps, the imported options are cheaper. Their quality may also be better, as well as their availability.
The exporter also benefits from sales that would not be possible if it solely sold to its own market. The exporter may also earn foreign currency. It can subsequently use that foreign currency to import things.
The term ‘commerce’ is often (not always) used when referring to the buying and selling of goods and services internationally.
International trade – winners and losers
Not every single entity, however, gains from international trade. Let’s suppose there are two countries – Country A and Country B. What happens if it costs more for Country A producers to make something than for Country B producers? Specifically, what happens if the two countries trade?
Producers in Country A will subsequently lose out because consumers will buy the Country B option. They choose that option because it is cheaper.
However, the consumer gains more than the domestic producer loses, economists say.
With international trade, there is greater competition and more competitive pricing in the market. This means that consumers have more choice and more affordable options. The economy of the world – which is driven by supply and demand – also benefits.
Imagine one world in which every single country traded internationally. Now imagine another world where international trade did not exist. In which world would consumers be better off? Also, in which world would the countries be richer.
In the world with international trade, both the consumers and the countries would be better off.

Why does international trade exist?
Nations trade internationally when there are not the resources or capacity to satisfy domestic needs and wants domestically.
By developing and exploiting their domestic resources, countries can produce a surplus. They may use this surplus to buy goods they need from abroad, i.e., through international trade.
International trade has existed for more than 9,000 years. Long distance trade – before the existence of nation states and national borders – goes back much further. In fact, it goes back to when pack animals and ships first came onto the scene.
Our modern industrialized world would not exist if countries did not import and export. Put simply; international trade is at the heart of today’s global economy. Global interdependence is a fact of life for every country today.
We import goods and services for several reasons. Below are some reasons:
A foreign company can produce something more cheaply.
Quality may be superior abroad. For example, Scotch whisky from Scotland, in most people’s opinion, is superior to any local alternative. That is why Scotland exports about 37 bottles of Scotch every second.
It might not be possible to produce the item locally. Therefore, the only way consumers can buy it is by importing it.
A raw material, such as oil, iron, bauxite, gold, etc. might not exist at home. Japan, for example, has no domestic reserves of oil. However, it is the fourth largest consumer of oil in the world. Japan imports virtually all its oil.
Demand might be greater than local supply. To satisfy the difference, it is necessary to import.

Advantages of international trade
Comparative Advantage
Trade encourages a nation to specialize in producing or supplying only those goods and services which it can deliver more effectively and at the best price, after taking into account opportunity cost.
Economies of Scale
If you sell your goods globally, you will have to produce more than if you sold just domestically. Producing in higher volumes provides greater economies of scale. In other words, the cost of producing each item is lower.
International trade boosts competition. This, in turn, is good for prices and quality. If suppliers have to compete more, they will work harder to sell at the lowest price and best quality possible. Consumers benefit by having more choice, more money left over, and top-quality goods.
Transfer of Technology
This increases thanks to international trade. Transfer of technology goes from the originator to a secondary user. In fact, that secondary user is often a developing nation.
Great trading nations such as Japan, Germany, the UK, the USA, and South Korea have one thing in common. They have much lower levels of unemployment than protectionist countries.
Disadvantages of International Trade
Employees might lose their jobs in large numbers if global demand for a product declines.
New Companies
Newcomers find it much harder to grow if they have to compete against giant foreign firms.
National Security
If a country is totally dependent on imports for strategic industries, it is at risk of being held to ransom by the exporter(s). Strategic industries include food, energy and military equipment.
Blocking trade harms the economy
Blocking trade in the hope of giving domestic infant companies a chance to grow hurts the national economy. Specifically, it harms the country’s economy’s long-term prospects.
When governments adopt a protectionist policy, other nations retaliate. Subsequently, there are tit-for-tat responses and sometimes even trade wars. Eventually, unemployment rises, and the creating of wealth declines.
Since the turn of the century, Venezuela has pursued a policy of nationalization and protectionism. Protectionism refers to taking measures to reduce imports.
Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves. However, its economy has been shrinking for years. There are alarming shortages of basic items, and electric power is frequently cut across vast regions. In fact, there are now signs of serious social unrest.
In every single case, the world’s greatest trading nations are also by far the richest. Germany, the Netherlands, Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong are considerably wealthier than, for example Cuba, North Korea, Zimbabwe, and Venezuela.
International trade tariffs
Although international trade exists across the world, imports and exports are regulated by quotas and mandates from each country’s customs authority. The importing nation may impose a tariff – a tax – on certain products.
Some markets have special trade deals which list what goods may be freely traded, and which ones are restricted.
The EU
The European Union has 27 member states which can trade freely with each other – there are no tariffs or quotas. On June 23rd, 2016, the British electorate voted in a referendum to leave the European Union (EU).
With a Soft Brexit, the UK would still have unfettered access to the EU’s 500 million consumers but would have to sign up to the free movement of people. With a Hard Brexit, the country would regain total control of its borders but would lose free access to the market. Tariffs on goods exported to the EU would be between 10% and 20% with a Hard Brexit.
The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)
The USMCA (formerly called NAFTA) consists of three countries – the USA, Canada and Mexico – which also trade freely with each other.
The Global System of Trade Preferences (GSTP) is a preferential trade agreement between emerging economies and LDCs. LDC stands for Less Developed Country. In most cases, the agreements involve either lifting or reducing tariffs. However, the LDC member nations do not have to reciprocate.
A country that does not import or export goods and services is an autarky.
“Trade” vocabulary
There are many trade-related terms in business/economics English, especially compound nouns – nouns consisting of two or more words. “International trade” is a compound noun. Let’s take a look at some other compound nouns, their meanings, and how they can be used in a sentence:
Free Trade
International trade left to its natural course without tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions.
Example: “The country’s economy has flourished since it embraced the principles of free trade.”
Fair Trade
A movement aimed at achieving fair prices and conditions for producers in developing countries.
Example: “Purchasing fair trade coffee helps ensure farmers receive a fair price for their beans.”
World Trade
The exchange of goods and services across international borders or territories.
Example: “World trade dynamics are significantly influenced by global economic policies and agreements.”
Bilateral Trade
Trade exchange between two countries, often governed by trade agreements.
Example: “The bilateral trade agreement facilitated increased exports and imports between the two nations.”
Multilateral Trade
Trade conducted between more than two countries, often under the auspices of an international agreement.
Example: “Multilateral trade negotiations can be complex, involving many countries with varying interests.”
Foreign Trade
The exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories.
Example: “The country’s economy heavily relies on foreign trade, especially in the sectors of agriculture and manufacturing.”
Domestic Trade
Commercial activities conducted within a country’s borders, as opposed to international trade.
Example: “Domestic trade has been bolstered by the implementation of new nationwide logistics networks.”
Stock Trade
The buying and selling of shares or stocks in the stock market.
Example: “He made his fortune through savvy stock trade investments over several decades.”
Two Videos
These two YouTube videos come from our sister channel, Marketing Business Network or MBN. They explain what the terms “International Trade” and “Trade” mean using easy-to-understand language and examples:
What is International Trade?
What is Trade?