A Proposal is a suggestion, usually in written form, to get people to support an idea or plan. A well-written proposal can help to secure a deal.
Do you know who is going to read your proposal? Image pixabay.
Possible meanings
A Bid
The State University of New York Plattsburgh Glossary of Financial Services Terms defines the term ‘proposal’ as:
“A bid or other form of written or oral submission of a quotation by a contractor, upon purchaser’s request, usually in competition with other contractors or vendors. Proposals are usually opened publicly at a specific time and place.”
A Formal Suggestion or Plan
A proposal may also refer to a plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put forward for consideration by others.
This can include a research proposal submitted for academic purposes, which outlines a planned study or project often submitted for approval.
In a governmental context, a proposal might be a formal suggestion or plan put forward for consideration by a governmental body, such as a policy proposal that details new legislation or changes to existing laws.
When somebody makes an offer of marriage, we can say they have made a proposal or they proposed.
This article focuses on the term ‘proposal’ when it refers to a bid or other form of written or oral submission, a formal written suggestion, or in the context of academic and governmental proposals, excluding its use in making an offer of marriage.
Tips on proposal writing
To succeed in this era of rapid technological change, businesses have to prove that they have their “customers’ best interests in mind.” A winning proposal should sing this out loud and clear.
The Internet is awash with tips and suggestions on how to write proposals. And this section offers yet another list. But there is really only one main tip: know your reader. Show them you care about them and their concerns. The rest just follows from that. So here are our top tips and guiding questions:
- Understand your readers and their needs and wants – not just the project
- Who is going to review the proposal? What are their roles? Who is the decision maker?
- Does the proposal address their main concerns?
- Don’t switch off your reader by drowning them in jargon or boring them with clichés
- Be straightforward and to the point
- Emphasize benefits over features – features describe, while benefits sell
- Is it clear that you are the best person to do this work?
- Check the copy for grammar, spelling, typographical, and formatting errors
- Ask several people who are not familiar with your work to critique it for clarity, tone, interest, ease of reading, and overall impression
- Could the document be shorter?
- If you use pictures, make them specific – don’t use generic or stock photos
- Allow plenty of time for research and preparation

Example: A funding proposal
Often, in the worlds of business and government, the purpose of proposals is to gain support for projects and schemes.
Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), for instance, write them to gain funding from donors.
The following list – adapted from a casual.pm template for NGOs – suggests some key elements for a typical proposal:
- Date, name of organization seeking funding, Project title
- Background: Why this project, what problem does it solve?
- Objectives: A short list of specific and measurable goals
- Scope: Describe end result, work phases, and what is not included
- Timescale: Map showing each phase, start and end dates, outline of task
- Budget: List the costs, both one-off and recurring
- Key stakeholders: E.g. client, sponsor, project manager
- Monitoring and evaluation: How will progress be tracked during and at end?
There are many templates and other tools online to help you draft a good proposal. These can be useful ways to get started and generate ideas.
Beware, however, that over-reliance on such tools can lead to generic proposals. Clients like to feel special, and your proposals need to be uniquely tailored to them. No two should be the same.
Proposal – a derivative of “propose”
The term “proposal” is a derivative of the English root word “propose.” Let’s have a closer look at “propose” plus some derivatives, their meanings, and how we use them in a sentence:
Propose (verb)
To put forward an idea or plan for consideration.
Example: “She will ‘propose’ a new strategy at the next team meeting.”
Proposal (noun)
A plan or suggestion put forward for consideration or discussion.
Example: “He read the ‘proposal’ and found it to be thorough and well thought out.”
Counterproposal (noun)
A proposal offered as an alternative to an earlier one.
Example: “After some deliberation, the management came back with a ‘counterproposal’.”
Proposer (noun)
One who proposes something.
Example: “The ‘proposer’ of the motion took the floor to explain the benefits of his suggestion.”
Proponent (noun)
A person who advocates a theory, proposal, or course of action.
Example: “As a strong ‘proponent’ of environmental conservation, he argued for stricter pollution controls.”
Proposition (noun)
A statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion.
Example: “The candidate’s ‘proposition’ for the new policy was met with widespread approval.”
Proposing (verb, present participle)
Presently suggesting or putting forward a plan.
Example: “He is ‘proposing’ a new method for increasing productivity in the workplace.”
Proposed (verb, past tense and past participle)
Put forward (an idea or plan) for consideration or action.
Example: “The changes she ‘proposed’ were implemented in the new version of the software.”
Proposable (adjective)
Capable of being proposed.
Example: “The idea was clearly ‘proposable’, and the committee agreed to consider it.”
Propositional (adjective)
Relating to or in the form of a proposition.
Example: “The ‘propositional’ content of the statement was analyzed by the philosophers.”
Unproposed (adjective)
Not yet suggested or put forward for consideration.
Example: “There were still many ‘unproposed’ solutions that the team hadn’t considered.”
There is no direct adverb derivative of “propose” in standard English usage.
An adverbial phrase is possible, such as “He spoke in a proposing manager, suggesting several innovative ideas.” However, this example is not a single-word adverb form derived from “propose”.
Educational Video – What is a Proposal?
This video presentation, from our YouTube partner channel – Marketing Business Network, explains what a ‘Proposal’ is using simple and easy-to-understand language and examples.