Before the UK general election, Chancellor George Osborne had promised to make good on a French kiss dare with campaign strategist Lynton Crosby – if the Tories achieved a majority of seats in Parliament. To the disappointment of tabloid media photographers, he chickened out and just gave him a peck on the cheek.
As far as Mr. Osborne is concerned, he delivered on his pledge. Most people disagreed. Cambridge Dictionaries Online says a French kiss is “a kiss with the lips apart and the tongues touching.”
According to the Sunday Times, Mr. Osborne was so sure the Tories would not win a majority that he made the reckless French kiss promise, rather than opting for the more traditional “I’ll eat my hat”.

As it turned out, Mr. Crosby, the Australian political strategist, who has been described as a ‘the Wizard of Oz’ and ‘master of the dark political arts’, worked his magic – the Conservatives won with a majority.
Lord Ashdown also breaks promise
Lord Paddy Ashdown publicly promised to “eat my hat” if the prediction of the Lib-Dems losing 47 seats came true. They did lose 47 seats.
Lord Ashdown was presented with his hat by Scottish journalist and broadcaster Andrew Neil. Did he chew on it? No! What a pity!