How to Make a Good Impression at an Interview

Interviews can be stressful to say the least. However, it should be your goal to give the interviewer a good impression of yourself. Below you will find several tips that can help guide you in the right direction.

Put Your Phone Away

Put it away - make a good impression image 44b44Smartphones are amazing tools that enable us to connect with people and information worldwide, but there are a few places that they simply don’t belong. A job interview is one of them! Before you go into the interview, make sure you turn your phone off. This will help you stay focused and prevent you from checking your messages.

Dress to Impress

Before your job interview, make sure you choose the right attire. Even if the job doesn’t require you to dress up, you should wear clean, modest clothing for the interview. If you’re lacking the few pieces you need to look the part, spending a few bucks on your attire could be a great investment for your future career.

If you’re on a tight budget, an online loan from a lender such as could be an option to help pay for new clothing. You may also be able to find some lightly used items at a local secondhand store. Remember, looking the part is almost as important as playing the part!

Be Punctual

This is a big one! Showing up on time for the interview is vital to your success. Future employers can conclude that if you’re late for an interview, you’ll be late for work or that you are disorganized or careless. Make sure to get up early and give yourself an extra 20 minutes or so in case of traffic or any other unexpected events.

Be Polite to Everyone

Most companies are like a big family. This is why you should be polite to everyone you meet! It doesn’t cost anything to be polite, and it just might help you get your foot in the door. Make sure to smile when you greet someone and kindly say “hello.” Kindness can take you a long way.

Be Organized

The night before your interview make sure that you have everything in place for the next day. You will need to bring along a copy of your resume, or portfolio, and a pen and paper. Consider placing all your documents neatly in a folder. This will make you appear well organized and ready to tackle anything that comes your way.

Make a Personal Connection

A great way to make a good first impression is by finding a way to make a personal connection. For example, if you notice that the person conducting the interview has a baseball team logo on their coffee cup, you can strike up a conversation about the team.

In Conclusion

These simple tips can help you make a great first impression! Put on your best smile and give it a whirl!