Healthcare in 2020 – How can it be improved?

2020 has, thus far, been a year in which unprecedented strain is being placed on healthcare systems around the world. Health workers and capacities globally clearly weren’t ready for such a massive crisis. Many countries witnessed the total collapse of their health services, even some that were seen by most of us as world leaders. Who would have predicted just a few months ago that our hospitals, ambulances, and frontline medical personnel would be stretched beyond their limits?

Healthcare in 2020 - COVID-19 image 499394994
Image created by Market Business News.

According to, which offers custom healthcare solutions, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown how unprepared healthcare systems globally were and still are. Many of them have received unprecedented scrutiny. With some countries emerging on the other side of the first wave of the pandemic, some lessons are already being learned. When all of this has been and gone, what steps should we or might we take to improve things? How can we make our healthcare infrastructure more effective, resilient, and pandemic proof?


Every patient who enters a GP surgery or hospital is an individual with unique needs. To stand the best chance of recovery from whatever they are suffering from, they need treatment that is tailored to their specific needs.

To properly target medical treatment according to individual requirements, we need to embrace modern technology. AI, for example, can sift through medical data and help us diagnose patients  and offer effective treatment regimes more quickly and accurately. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, which refers to computer software that makes smart machines think and behave like human beings.

Artificial intelligence can also help medical professionals advise patients on which preventative measures they should take. Medical and AI experts believe that artificial intelligence and machine learning will dramatically change how healthcare professionals operate in the future.

Remote Patient Monitoring

A major challenge in healthcare today involves looking after and treating millions of pensioners, many of whom would prefer to remain in their family homes than be shipped into a centralized building where they can be more easily monitored (and viruses can easily incubate).

The advantages of remote-monitoring technologies have been demonstrated throughout this crisis, and they’re only likely to become more pressing as those technologies improve and develop.

Smarter homes will become better able to monitor a patient’s vital signs in real time, identifying a need for intervention at the earliest possible stage, and thereby improving outcomes. For older patients, this will be a Godsend, i.e., being able to remain at home.

Bed Management

Many of the challenges faced by medical institutions have very little to do with medicine. They’re administrative tasks that deal with getting information from one person to another, keeping records, and ensuring that the medical staff is apprised of the progress of each patient, and when they will be well enough to be discharged. They also ensure the timely distribution of the appropriate medicine.

Delays transmitting vital information to the right people and places can result in congestion in the system. They can also place unnecessary strain on doctors and nursing staff. They end up spending time dealing with tasks that are not part of their job description. Getting buried in paperwork is the last thing health workers need.

Where bed management systems can be automated, they’ll improve the quality of healthcare indirectly by making life easier for providers. Their tasks become easier to complete, and they can focus on what really matters for their patients.

Summing Up

The health management systems that exist in the world today are clearly not as effective in a crisis as we thought they would be. Implementation of modern technologies is crucial. We do not want a repeat of what has happened so far this year.

In the world of medicine, access to vital data is crucial. It is important for the prevention and treatment of diseases and medical conditions.


Interesting related article: “What is Healthcare?”