How Can I Migrate My Existing Online Store To Shopify 2.0?

For any e-commerce business that wants to improve its performance, functionality and the experience of the user, upgrading to Shopify 2.0 is a good idea. 

The store management becomes simpler and more efficient due to the numerous features offered by Shopify 2.0. At the same time, your customers are able to shop easily thus increasing their shopping experience. 

In this post we will look at some of the major advantages of using Shopify 2.0 as well as guide on how you can migrate your store over it. So let’s get started! 

Benefits of Shopify 2.0

Better Performance

Shopify 2.0 is made from advanced web technologies that make it load faster and perform better, improving SEO rankings and customer satisfaction.

More Customization

The fresh theme architecture and flexible store content options allow for greater control over how your store looks and feels.

Easier Developer Tools

New developer tools lower the complexity of creating or modifying themes. This means you can hire Shopify developers to build anything on top of an already powerful e-commerce platform.

Improved Store Management

With an upgraded theme editor plus features like sections everywhere, managing and updating stores becomes more intuitive and takes less time.

Key Features of Shopify 2.0

Revamped Theme Architecture

Shopify 2.0 presents a completely updated Shopify theme architecture with support for modular design and increased flexibility. 

This means you can add, delete or move sections onto any page of your store, not just the homepage. 

You can also customize templates for different product categories, pages etc., which allows you to create a unique shopping experience that suits your brand better.

Flexible Store Content

Merchants in the Shopify 2.0 can manage their store’s content at a better level than ever before.

Easily and quickly creating dynamic and personalized content is what the new content management system (CMS) enables Shopify experts to do.

You can now add custom sections, blocks, and templates that will allow you to tailor each page specifically to fit your marketing strategy and customer needs.

Improvements To The Theme Editor

The theme editor in Shopify 2.0 has been redesigned to be more user friendly. Now with drag-and-drop functionality built right in, you can easily customize your store’s layout without knowing how to code at all! 

There are also real-time previews so you can see exactly what your Shopify store will look like as changes are made before publishing them live.

New Developer Tools

Shopify 2.0 provides Shopify experts with a variety of new tools designed to make their lives easier when building themes.

  • Liquid Input Setting: Gives developers more control over the theme’s settings.
  • File Picker: This makes it simple for developers to manage and select files.
  • MetaFields: Enables more detailed and structured data storage, which could be used to enhance product pages, etc.
  • App Blocks: Allow Shopify app developers to create reusable code snippets that can easily be added to any page or section of a store

The Difference Between Shopify vs. Shopify Online Store 2.0 Theme

The primary difference between the initial Shopify platform and Shopify Store 2.0 lie in adaptability and customization. Shopify 2.0 themes provide better command over page structures, lively content, and user experience at large. 

Unlike conventional Shopify themes which only allowed changes on the homepage’s appearance, with sections everywhere feature of the Shopify 2.0 it is possible to modify many elements throughout all pages.

Buyline Shopify Multi-Purpose Theme Vs. Gurus – Advanced Fashion Theme


The Shopify Multi-Purpose Theme Buyline: This is established on the original Shopify platform, which is known for its stability, simplicity, and useful range of functions that can serve different kinds of online stores.

Gurus – Advanced Fashion Theme: The Gurus – Advanced Fashion Theme is designed for fashion and apparel stores; it fully utilizes advanced features in Shopify 2.0.

Personalization and Adaptability

Buyline: It offers customizable layouts with dynamic sections mainly meant for the homepage, these reflect what can be done with the original Shopify platform.

Gurus: There is extensive customization across all pages using the sections everywhere feature which demonstrates the increased flexibility provided by Shopify 2.0.

User Experience

Buyline: A responsive design has been created along with optimized SEO thus giving a reliable and efficient user experience.

Gurus: High-resolution images have been employed together with lookbook features plus advanced filtering options. When you hire Shopify developers you can create a store that significantly enhances user experience especially among fashion shoppers.

Developer And Management Tools

Buyline: Although powerful, it uses basic tools found in original Shopify that may not have all the functionalities required by advanced businesses like Shopify 2.0 does

Gurus: New developer tools are used in Shopify 2.0, such as Liquid Input Setting, File Picker, MetaFields and more, which gives developers & store managers greater control over flexibility

How to Migrate My Existing Store to Shopify 2.0?

Moving your store to Shopify 2.0 is a multi-step process. However, it can be easy if you plan everything well. Here’s a breakdown to get you started:

Backup your current store

Make sure to have a full backup of your store including product data, customer information, and order history before making any changes.

Select a new theme for Shopify 2.0

Choose the best Shopify theme that suits your brand and product range. You should also consider additional features as well as customization options provided by these themes in Shopify 2.0.

Install the new theme.

Install the chosen theme for Shopify 2.0 and begin adjusting its appearance according to your brand identity using the enhanced theme editor, which allows for the addition of sections, blocks, and templates.

Transfer content & data.

Move across important info like product listings, customer data etc., onto your new storefront. This can be done without losing any vital details during transition through tools offered by Shopify for data migration.

Customize & optimize

Optimize content layout or store design functions with new customization possibilities available on Shopify 2.0. Integrate any necessary Shopify apps. Ensure that all pages are responsive and look good on different devices, such as mobiles or tablets.

Thorough testing

Perform comprehensive tests on every aspect of your site until you are satisfied with them before launching live. Look out for broken links and missing images, which may affect user experience.

Go live

Once confident enough that the new store is ready, publish it. Then, start promoting it to customers. Ensure a smooth transition to Shopify 2.0 by monitoring performance and making necessary adjustments where needed be


Shopify Online Store 2.0 comes with many advantages over its predecessor, including better developer tools, faster speed optimization options, the ability to fully personalize each section/page, plus enhanced overall UX/UI. By following this guide carefully, one will have a seamless move while enjoying everything that comes along with these versions.

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