How Can We Make Public Spaces Safer?


Public spaces are central to the dynamics of city life. 

If public spaces and their surrounding environment are attractive, accessible, and safe, they have the power to connect people and inspire a wide range of activities and uses. 

Let’s look at some ways in which architects, designers, and consumers consider strengthening our community’s social fabric for high-quality public spaces.

Diversify The Uses Of Public Spaces

Without a doubt, more people on the streets help to inhibit certain kinds of crime. 

Blending offices, residential and commercial areas such as retail shops, bars, and restaurants tend to attract more people, making the environment friendlier and safer from violent crimes. 

However, this diversity needs to be kept up throughout all times of the day. 

If public spaces are busy only during the day, they can become considered unsafe at night. Public spaces that encourage the permanence and co-existence of people are a great way to invest in security.

Build Multi-Use Destinations

Wide, accessible streets, sidewalks, parks, bike paths, and squares stimulate a positive use of space and increase urban vitality. A square, especially, can be a source of civic pride as it can help citizens feel better connected to their political and cultural institutions.  

If a space doesn’t reflect the desires or the demands of the local population, it will not be maintained or even used—social participation is key for the construction of safer public areas.

Promote Public Health and Safety

A city in which citizens have access to clean water, sewage treatment, and sanitation is considered safe and healthy. So is a city in which lighting is installed at night: women and children can walk without fear; healthy food is available; and people can enjoy parks, squares, and other public spaces in safety and comfort. 

Meanwhile, as cities become denser, access to green public spaces has become essential to enhance physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, plants, flowerbeds, and trees are important for the maintenance of biodiversity. 

Stimulate The Local Economy

High-quality public spaces not only offer living and leisure areas, but they are great opportunities to boost the local economy. 

Unlike clogged streets, safe conditions facilitate local commerce. Local businesses have significant long-term impacts and add personality to a place. It’s essential to consider the area’s social dynamics and cultural specificities to generate positive relationships between people and places.  

In addition, safety measures in pedestrian and cycle routes allow citizens to be active and encourage them to exercise outdoors. 

Adapt Urban Environments to New Necessities

COVID-19 guidelines implemented by local governments have changed the way we experience public spaces. Indoor regulations, in particular, will be more rigorous.

Disinfection and cleaning will be done with higher frequency and protective equipment such as masks, gloves, and sanitizers. Access control will be in place to avoid any risk of infection and transmission. 

You could personally prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses with a handheld UV cleaner device, such as “the uRay.”

A team of physicists and engineers at Wolven Industries, led by CEO Mike Norton, have developed a powerful UV cleansing device that’ll help disinfect surfaces in seconds. 

The uRay is a handheld, rechargeable, battery-powered, LED-based UV-C surface disinfecting device. The device is engineered to be as small as possible so that it can easily fit in your backpack, handbag or larger pocket. Like this, you’ll be able to disinfect ATM and grocery store keyboards, incoming mail packages, public toilets, kitchen counters and more on the go. 

It’s A Two-Way Street

So, there are multiple ways both architects, designers, and consumers can maintain and improve quality public spaces. 

Some are institutional. Others are a matter of what you, as an individual, can buy and use that has a direct effect on making hubs of public use cleaner and safer.

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