How Long Should You Wait to Be Paid at an Online Casino?

Picture this. You start a new job, you complete your first month of work, and you get called into your boss’ office. They tell you what a great job you’ve been doing, what a great addition to the team you are, and how you’ll be receiving your pay check for working your first month. Problem is, you won’t be receiving the money for another 6 months. What would you do? It’s a bit of a dramatic example, but I’m willing to bet you wouldn’t be too happy at having to wait. After all, it’s your money. You earned it, you put the work and time in for it, and you deserve it, so why should you face an overly long wait in order to receive it?

As people, we’re inherently impatient. Regardless of our age, we seldom like to patiently wait for things. Instead, we mark off the days to our holiday on the calendar, silently wishing the trip was tomorrow – never actually enjoying the wait. Some things are worth waiting for though, and some things are necessary to wait for – like a holiday, if you want good weather. On the other hand, there are plenty of times in life where we can cut the waiting out, because it’s neither necessary nor unavoidable. One example of this is finding the best online casinos that payout – and payout fast.

It’s a common misconception that it’s impossible to find a fast or instant paying casino. In fact, it’s a common misconception that most of the waits we endure are unavoidable. One of the biggest complaints among consumers in the retail industry is that we pay for our products immediately but have to wait days, sometimes even weeks, on a refund. How is it possible that I can go to my local grocery store, purchase something, and get a notification on my phone that the money has left my bank account instantly, but when I return the same product the next day, I could wait 5-7 days on my refund? This situation becomes even more frustrating if the product is faulty.

We get it, it’s annoying. And just think, if you consider it frustrating to wait 5-7 days on a refund for something that costs $5, imagine how much more frustrating it is to be faced with a huge wait when you’ve won $500 on an online casino. Well, this brings us back to finding the best online casinos that payout in an efficient manner.

Believe it or not, there are plenty of reputable online casinos that offer fast withdrawals. In fact, there are plenty of reputable online casinos that offer instant withdrawals. Yes, you read that right. There are indeed online casinos that can have a $500 win transferred to your account faster than your local grocery store can refund you $5 for a faulty item – how about that? So, how do you know when you’ve found one of these fast payout casinos?

Simple, really. Before signing up to any online casino you can visit the Banking Area, Payments Page, or Frequently Asked Questions to discover the expected wait time. Aside from this, there are also plenty of websites like Hideous Slots that recommend online casinos, including those that offer fast payouts, and tell you everything you need to know about them.

A fast payout is anything 36 hours or less. An instant payout is anything 12 hours or less. And yes, they do exist. It stands to sense really – just like in our earlier example, you make a deposit at an online casino and the money leaves your account immediately, so why should it be a different story when you want to withdraw your winnings? In fact, there are some online casinos that offer withdrawals in as little as 5 minutes. Let’s go back to our grocery store example. There are some online casinos that will see you receive a notification that you have received your funds in less time than it would take for you to leave the grocery store and get back into your car – now that’s impressive. 

So how do you guarantee a fast payout? Well, firstly by the payment method you use. Each casino will offer individual time frames depending on the method used. For example, you might find that opting for bank transfer will take considerably longer than using an eWallet service like PayPal, so if you want to get the fastest payout possible, you’ll need to consider the best payment method for you. 

Secondly, you may find that your payout will be delayed if you have any outstanding documentation to provide. When you sign up to an online casino, you will eventually have to prove that you are who you say you are. You will have to prove your identity (usually with a photo of a government issued identification document), your address (usually with a utility bill), and your payment method (by providing a photo of your card, bank account, or eWallet account). When the time comes that you are asked to provide this information, your payout may be delayed until you have uploaded your documents. You can avoid this situation by having your documents ready and prepared for the point in time at which you are asked, or by uploading your documents from the moment you sign up before being asked, if the online casino you have chosen offers the ability to do this. By being prepared, you can avoid lengthy waits and stress in the future.

You might find yourself forced with a 3 day wait for a refund on a mouldy loaf of bread from your local grocery store, but you won’t care too much about that when you receive your online casino payout in less than 3 hours – maybe even less than 3 minutes, if the right set of circumstances fall in your favour.

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