How Much Do Online Reviews Matter For Lawyers? Online Reputation Management For Legal Firms

Reputation is the most important aspect of a business, especially in the legal field. Building a brand requires ongoing effort to establish and maintain a robust online presence. A lawyer’s reputation is not solely about winning cases but also about how clients perceive their services and what others say about them. As of 2023, the global count of internet users reached 5.18 billion individuals. With the high accessibility of the internet, prospective clients heavily rely on online reviews and testimonials to make informed decisions when choosing legal representation.

One fundamental element of this online presence is the Google Business Profile (GMB). GMB is a platform that provides essential information about your law firm, including location, contact details, and client reviews. A staggering 93% of individuals report that their purchasing choices were influenced by online reviews. Positive reviews and testimonials can set you apart from competitors, while negative feedback can undermine your reputation.

Engaging with reviews and proactively seeking testimonials can help you succeed in online reputation management. These strategies can help your firm establish a trustworthy and credible image in the digital space. Many family law digital marketing services providers are helping law firms implement better strategies to gain more customers. This blog will help you explore different aspects of online reputation management for legal firms, focusing on using the power of online reviews and optimizing your GMB profile to maintain a positive online reputation. So, let’s get started!

Why Are Online Reviews Important For Lawyers?

Online reviews may sound not like an important aspect of a business, but they hold more significance than given, especially regarding a lawyer’s reputation and the success of their practice. According to Law Technology Today’s 2019 report, their website has been the source of acquiring new cases for 70% of law firms. This makes legal services more reachable; hence, individuals get more liberty and can compare websites through online reviews. Beyond the traditional testimonials, online reviews provide an indispensable form of social proof that extends to platforms beyond your direct control.

At the forefront of this digital world is your Google Business Profile, formerly Google My Business, which is important for individuals searching for legal services. When potential clients seek legal counsel related to your practice areas, your firm’s Google Business Profile may prominently feature in their search results, contingent upon their proximity to your office.

This profile is not just an introduction; it also grants searchers access to reviews left by past clients directly on the search engine results page and maps. Positive reviews, complemented by your thoughtful responses to all feedback, serve as a powerful signal, instilling confidence in potential clients and affirming your reputation as a trustworthy choice for their legal needs.

However, the significance of Google Reviews transcends mere trust-building. They are pivotal in determining your visibility on Google Search and Maps. The quantity and quality of reviews on your Google Business Profile can directly impact where your firm ranks when individuals search for attorneys in their vicinity.

For legal practices that have not yet taken this crucial step, locating and claiming your free Google Business Profile is imperative. Once established, diligent maintenance, including addressing client reviews and identifying and handling fake feedback, becomes pivotal to ensuring that your online presence eloquently mirrors your legal expertise and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction.

Track Mentions About Your Firm

A huge amount of content is generated and published in the digital world, and millions of reviews are published online. It is highly important for any business to keep track of where they get mentions to build better interlinking and draw more traffic.

It is vital to closely watch what individuals say about your firm, whether their feedback is positive or negative. By promptly addressing reviews, you can efficiently resolve customer issues and demonstrate your unwavering commitment to providing exceptional customer service to potential clients. Google Reviews for Family Lawyers helps individuals searching for legal family firms to make informed decisions. 

This proactive approach can work well for your firm’s reputation, benefiting your financial standing. While third-party reputation management tools for lawyers are available, you can achieve the same results without additional expenses by regularly monitoring and responding to reviews.

How To Respond To Bad Reviews

In the legal profession, negative reviews can happen to even the most diligent lawyers. The nature of law often means dealing with complex and stressful situations, which can lead to varying client expectations. While overall review trends reflect reality over time, individual reviews may occasionally diverge.

Responding to negative reviews involves a sensitive approach. Start by acknowledging the feedback with empathy and professionalism. Attempt to address the issues raised and express a genuine commitment to improving the client’s experience.

Ethics are vital in this process. Avoid disclosing confidential case details, even if privilege is waived. Instead, apologize for any perceived service shortcomings and encourage the reviewer to reach out directly for resolution, emphasizing your commitment to client satisfaction.

Lastly, resist the urge to post fake reviews. It not only breaches regulations but may also get flagged by review platforms. Authenticity and integrity are fundamental when managing your online reputation.

Ask Your Clients To Leave Reviews

Contented clients are often more inclined to share their experiences than dissatisfied ones—particularly in sectors as significant as legal services, which can involve high costs and stress. Nevertheless, it’s imperative to ensure that any feedback received remains genuine, authentic, and free from inducements such as money or gifts in exchange for positive reviews. Familiarizing yourself with the Competition and Markets Authority’s guidelines on online reviews and endorsements is essential to maintain ethical standards.

One effective way to encourage satisfied clients to share their experiences is by reaching out to them after the conclusion of their case. Sending a courteous “Thank You” note and a subtle request to consider leaving a review on your Google review page can be remarkably effective. Email Messaging – Marketing can also be helpful to drop a message to the clients for feedback. While requesting feedback may initially feel unconventional, integrating this practice into your client-closing procedure can yield significant benefits. It not only garners genuine testimonials but also helps potential clients gain insights into your firm’s track record of client satisfaction. So, don’t hesitate to ask—your clients’ authentic feedback can be valuable in building trust and credibility in the legal field.

Try To Respond To Positive Reviews

If you need to handle negative reviews, you must also respond to positive ones. It builds a better connection and showcases your behavior toward your clients. You need to address all the reviews and revert to them on time to ensure all the feedback is acknowledged. 

It is like if your client took time to leave positive feedback, you need to take time and thank them through your acknowledgment. It also encourages other potential clients to reach out to you for your services and build a better reputation in the market.

Elements of Testimonials

Here are some of the key elements of testimonials that make them look more authentic and work their best to build your reputation:

Use Clients’ Pictures

Testimonials gain authenticity and relatability when accompanied by pictures of the clients who provided them. Including photographs of satisfied clients adds a human touch, reinforcing the credibility of the testimonial.

Mention details but with consent

While sharing specific details about a client’s case or experience can be powerful, obtaining consent is crucial. Ensure that clients are comfortable with the level of detail you plan to include in their testimonials. Respecting their privacy is essential.

Take interviews on camera

Video testimonials can be particularly impactful. Consider conducting interviews with satisfied clients on camera, allowing them to share their experiences in their own words and expressions. Video testimonials capture genuine emotions and convey trustworthiness effectively.

Automating Your Review Responses

The first thing that helps in reputation management is client satisfaction. A satisfied client can spread your name at a better speed than any other means. So, you should work on skills and technology that help manage all the reviews and feedback for you on the internet. You need to develop a proper process for managing all the aspects related to reputation management.

Many companies help legal firms with their reputation management and provide them with better solutions and systems. If you want to focus on your core legal activities and do not want disturbance, you can hire someone to do it for you.


Since by now you know almost everything about reputation management, here is another secret for you- Consistency. This is the only factor that will be constant in every single aspect of this digital world. For legal firms who want to focus on their core services and need expert guidance for better reputation management, click here to learn more!

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