How Much Does It Cost To Develop An Application In A Company?

Before you understand the pricing for the development of mobile applications in a particular company, you need to understand that all programmers are divided into 2 types: backend and frontend (working with the client side of the user interface to the software and hardware part of the service). Also, programmers specialize in certain operating systems.

Simple software from mobile application development services will cost about $ 3,000. Its development period will be 1-2 months. For software of medium complexity, you need to spend 4-5 thousand dollars and it will take 3-4 months. To prepare a complex program for a smartphone, you need to invest about 6 thousand dollars and spend 4 months of work.

How long does it take to write an application from scratch?

The process of software implementation for iOS, Android, as well as for a number of other similar platforms consists of several steps. Each step implies a certain range of work with a different level of labor intensity. The following stages of creating smart applications are distinguished:

  • Free cost estimate. At this stage, a preliminary assessment of the created software is carried out by a specialist. The stage lasts from 1 to 3 days.
  • Study of technical specifications and analysis of competitors. To say exactly how much it costs to develop a mobile application in a specific business segment, you need to analyze competitors, study all the requirements for a future application. The stage takes 2 to 5 days.
  • This stage involves the creation of a software prototype. Takes a stage from 2 to 5 days.
  • For a preliminary layout, a unique design is developed, which is discussed with the client individually. It will take 5 to 15 days of time.
  • The most important and time consuming step in creating software for smartphones. Takes 18 to 60 days.
  • The final stage of the implementation of utilities for smartphones. After creating the software, to check its functionality and compliance with the technical specifications, numerous tests are carried out on it. It takes 5-10 days.

Also read the Ramotion blog to find out how much it costs to create an application for a taxi, for a pool or for a restaurant, you need to estimate the amount of work that was done when creating software for mobile. It is necessary to take into account the labor costs of each function, clearly represent the end result and be competent in the technical part.

After all, it will not be possible to find out how much it costs to write an application for a smartphone if the appraiser does not have a proper understanding of the programming process and all its nuances. The whole assessment process takes place in 2 stages:

Preliminary. Free evaluation of works is carried out. This allows you to determine the level of investment in software development. Lasts 1-2 days.

Accurate. A price list is created with a list and cost of all work to create a mobile utility. An agreement by is signed indicating the deadlines and the final result.

It often happens that already in the development process, his customer may revise a number of requirements for him.

How to estimate the cost of an application?

The process of assessing the final cost of software for smartphones can be accommodated in 3 points:

  • To know exactly how much it costs to make an application for a phone, you need to take into account all possible risks, deal with the target audience, and analyze the needs of users of the future software product.
  • With a prototype, it is easier to build work on the creation of a platform for cellular, as well as estimate its final cost. In addition, this step avoids technical misunderstandings on the part of the customer and the programmer.
  • Drawing up a technical assignment allows you to accurately determine the amount of the final software product, as well as the amount of time required to create it.

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