How PRO services can assist your business set-up in Dubai

Setting up a business in Dubai can be exciting, however, navigating the complexities of local regulations and bureaucratic processes can prove to be a challenge, especially for newcomers. This is where PRO (Public Relations Officer) services come into play, offering invaluable assistance to ensure a smooth and successful business set-up in Dubai.

Before we understand how you can benefit from working with a PRO, let’s take a deep dive into the world of Public Relation Officers to understand what it is exactly that they do and how they can assist your business set-up in Dubai.

What do PROs Do?

PRO experts are well-versed in the local laws, regulations, and administrative procedures of Dubai and the wider United Arab Emirates (UAE). Their primary role is to facilitate various government-related tasks on behalf of businesses and individuals, simplifying processes that can be time-consuming and complex. Here are some of the tasks a specialist PRO agent can help with:

Legal Procedures

PRO services can guide business owners and entrepreneurs through the company registration process, ensuring all necessary documents and requirements are met. They can help with licences for specific business activities and assist in securing the right visas for employees, partners, and investors, ensuring compliance with UAE immigration laws.

Document Clearance

Bureaucracy can be overwhelming, so liaising with a PRO officer will take a great weight off your shoulders. PRO services can in fact help with document attestation, approvals, and clearances from government authorities, ultimately saving you time and effort.


Building on the above, remaining compliant is essential when setting up a business in Dubai. PROs help business owners stay compliant at every step of the process, ensuring businesses adhere to all legal obligations and assist with licence renewals, permits, and visa extensions.

Communication with Authorities

PROs essentially act as intermediaries between businesses and government entities, facilitating communication and resolving issues efficiently, removing the room for error and preventing any delays and penalties.

Local Expertise

PROs have in-depth knowledge of the local business landscape in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates at large, ensuring you make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. In addition to business setup, PROs can also provide relocation services to assist you and your employees in settling down comfortably in Dubai.


Whether you are setting up a mainland company, establishing a presence in a free zone, or operating as a branch or representative office, PRO services can cater to your specific needs.

Outsourcing administrative tasks to PRO agents will free up valuable time, allowing you to focus on core business operations, making the process faster and more cost-effective. Knowing that your business’s legal and administrative affairs are in expert hands gives you peace of mind, allowing you to focus on growth and profitability.

How To Choose The Right PRO Agency?

PRO services are instrumental in simplifying the intricate process of business set-up in Dubai. Their expertise, local knowledge, and efficiency can save you time, reduce stress, and help ensure a successful start to your entrepreneurial journey. When it comes to company formation services in Dubai, Time & Motion is one of the leading agencies, specialised in securing the licences, visas, and permits necessary for you to conduct business in the UAE.

Whether you are a new entrepreneur or an established business looking to expand into Dubai, enlisting the services of experienced PROs is a wise investment that can contribute to your business’s long-term success in the UAE. Time & Motion provide comprehensive advice and hands-on support to entrepreneurs and business owners across various industries looking to embark on their company formation journey in Dubai. With a deep understanding of Dubai’s business landscape, their experienced PRO agents will offer a full service encompassing the entire administrative process essential for both living and working in the renowned ‘City of Gold.’