How to Choose the Right Metal for Precision Stamping

These days, large industries such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, construction. Even medical fields depend on metal stamping producers to provide safe, quality goods and projects. 

It makes sense that we must choose the right metal stamping material. Besides its vast capabilities, metal stamping is an economical metal-forming method that aids in meeting your specific requirements.

We should consider several factors in choosing the right material to produce high-quality precision metal stamping parts


One of the most important considerations is whether the material can support your application enough. Based on that, you can consider some other material options. 

For example, stainless steel is frequently used for plumbing components due to its durability, temperature resistance, and corrosion resistance. At the same time, copper is commonly used for electrical components and connectors due to its high thermal and electrical conductivity. 

You can compare the distinct nature and characteristics of the material with the application requirement to make wise choices. 

Bend Rating

A material’s formability refers to its capacity to bend or deform without cracking or fracturing. The Bend Rating scale from ESI assigns shades to unique metals to suggest their degree of formability. Green represents the highest bending costs, and red represents the lowest.  

By thinking about the application and the bend rating of the material, you can choose the proper material for metal stamping.  

Tensile Strength

Tensile strength is nothing but the measurement of stress it can withstand without breaking. It represents a material’s potential to resist pulling forces or tensile loads. 

Tensile energy will increase resistance to deformation or fracture under tension, making it a vital mechanical property for materials utilized in structural, engineering, and production applications.  

So, you have to choose a material that has enough tensile strength to withstand mechanical pressures and stress. 


If welding is an essential processing step, you have to consider the material’s weldability. This material nature depends upon various factors, which include composition, microstructure, and material surface. 

Materials with low weldability might have poor fusion, cracking, or porosity in the course of welding, resulting in compromised mechanical properties and structural integrity in welded joints. 

At the end, you need special welding strategies, pre-weld treatments, or alternative joining methods to efficiently join the materials with low weldability. 

Ductility and Formability

A material’s ductility and formability are nothing but its ability to be successfully manipulated into specific shapes. Most progressive metal stamping manufacturers are familiar with this term. 

For example, ductile materials can be stretched into wires and other thin or elongated shapes without breaking. In that case, you should consider how much the material can stretch and flex to form an exact shape. 

Finishing Options

When it comes to small metal parts, there is a variety of finishing options available. Stamped metal parts can be finished in various ways to improve their functional properties, such as strength, temperature, and corrosion resistance. 

Finishes can give them a smoother, more appealing exterior. Consider which finish you desire to make the right material selection. 


The next essential factor is the machinability of the material. Machinability refers to how easily a material can be cut using machining tools. 

For stamped parts that will require machining operations, you have to choose a material that is easily machined with the existing machines in your factory. Choosing materials that require costly specialty tools to be machined results in breaking the project budget. 

Cost considerations

In addition to performance and appearance considerations, make sure the raw material costs are within your project’s budget.  

Sometimes, your choice must be perfect for that project, but it doesn’t fit your budget. In that case, you can go with some effective alternatives. 

Other Crucial Considerations:

Assessing various Materials for Metal Stamping or selecting the right material for your needs involves assessing specific properties of the material, such as:

  • Thickness and width of the material.
  • How well can metal stamping form to specifications with that material?
  • How will the part perform in the application and the operating environment?
  • Material costs and availability.

Summing Up

Today’s market consists of vast types of material with various characteristics. Choosing the right material needs careful examination and collaboration with material suppliers. 

The above-mentioned are some of the crucial considerations you should remember while choosing material for metal stamping. The right material selection ensures successful outcomes and maximizes the efficiency of precision stamping operations.

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