How to Craft a Resume That Catches the Eye

As the world of business continues to evolve more and more into a digital arena, the job aspirants in each profession must be on the top of the list to win the competition. They need to be on top of trends, technology, and topics to fight the competitive pressure. As the companies receive a vast range of resumes from many applicants, it is of utmost importance to move on with an eye-catchy resume document. It must enable you to stand apart from the rest of the applications for the same job.

Craft a Resume
Photo by Van Tay Media on Unsplash

The best resume is the one that catches the attention of the reader and is easy to read. It must state some of your key achievements and experiences. Reviewing resumes by the SES resume writing service will surely give you an idea of how an outline can catch the recruiter’s attention.

Below are some intriguing and crucial tips which one must always pay keen attention to while making a resume:

Use numbers as much as possible

Using numbers wherever relevant will surely enable the recruiter to pay extra attention to your achievements. For instance, in place of mentioning that you were a key member in helping your company earn a reasonable sum, you can say that you were a key member in helping your company make a profit of more than 20%.

The writing of numbers automatically grabs the attention of the one who is hiring you. It also shows the manager about your capabilities in a more effective manner. For example, instead of writing that you have experience dealing with clients, you can mention that you have experience working with five clients in a day. Using numbers enables the recruiting staff to grasp all your capabilities and the involvement level with the clients.

resume writing
Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

Listing of soft skills

The applicants usually think that the companies look only at the complex services of the team member. However, this is a false fact as they are more into soft qualities. Although the employers want to look at the professional rates, it is equally important to make them aware of all the soft skills in you.

The key before mentioning soft skills is that the applicant must know what skills the company is looking for in its employees. You can either take the help of a resume writing service to write the same or read the job description carefully. Use must make sure that you are writing all these things only in the form of bullet points. These skills could either form part of your work history or the skill section in your document.

resume writing service
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Focusing on your relevant experiences and accomplishments

 Your most outstanding and most recent accomplishments must top the list in your resume. The resume’s structure must be straightforward and clear. Numerous resume writing labs remind the applicants to focus only on all the essential and relevant information. Make sure that you are listing a maximum of 5 accomplishments under each role. Also, keep in mind that all these are relevant for the position you are applying for.

Using keywords

It is of utmost importance to include specific keywords during the preparation of an effective resume. Some companies scan all the docs through the ATS or Applicant Tracking System. Therefore, do not forget to use keywords, as the SES resume writing service provides that such keywords help you pass the ATS.

Some other crucial tips which will act as a fruit in your career tree are inclusive of the following:

  • Maintaining the appropriate length
  • Highlighting your brand
  • Optimizing for mobile
  • Focusing on the header of the resume

Wrapping up:

In a world where almost all the recruiter fall short of time, an eye-catchy resume is a life savior. The recruiters can’t go through every resume. Thus, they select some of the most intriguing summaries, written in a proper format. Numerous pieces of work and other research suggest that recruiters generally spend between 15 seconds to 6 seconds looking at a resume.

Therefore, the applicants must make sure that their resume is quick enough to catch the recruiter’s eye without wasting any time. It must also encourage them to go deeper into all your qualifications for the available position.

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