How To Create A Wild Garden

“Rewilding” is the process of transforming your garden into more of a natural landscape. The idea of keeping a garden lawn completely neat and pristine has become incredibly outdated. Letting your garden become more overgrown encourages wildlife and is an easy way for your garden to appear more individualistic. However, there is more to creating a wild garden than simply abandoning your garden tools and waiting for it to get out of hand. In this article, we will outline the steps you can take to make a perfect wild outdoor space. Let’s look…


Terracing is a way of creating an interesting planting theme even if you have a split-level garden. The process involves creating different platforms for your planters. You can transform an awkward slope into staggered steps, with each step serving as a different location for another planting theme. 

By separating your plants in this fashion, you can still let them grow wild to achieve that more natural look, but with an easy accessibility for watering and further planting. As well as being more visually interesting, it is also far easier and cost effective to make to most out of a slope rather than levelling your lawn. Adding wild flower seeds into these separated spaces not only bolsters the garden’s natural aesthetic but also promotes biodiversity, inviting a variety of pollinators and wildlife to the area. This approach not only creates a visually stunning display of colors and textures but also supports a healthy, vibrant ecosystem right in your backyard.

Turn off The Mower!

The easiest way to rewild your garden is to simply allow your garden to grow. When grass is left uncut, it can grow different seeds and flowers which can attract more wildlife, including many species of birds and insects. Sow clover seeds through your soil to encourage more biodiversity in your grasses. Bees especially love clover, and as bees pollinate, encouraging a bee population in your garden is an essential part of adding a sense of life to your outdoors.

A wild lawn still requires some maintenance, though thankfully, you will not have to mow the lawn as frequently in the summer months. Lawn mowers in a garden, like hand dryers in a public toilet or digital signage in a retail store, can be noisy and distracting. Simply trim around 7 centimetres every 6-8 weeks to keep on top of the overgrowth. If you are worried your garden will be overrun by weeds, you will need to be vigilant and remove these at the roots. Weed killers and pesticides, whilst effective against unwanted plants, will deter wildlife, which is obviously not ideal for the upkeep of a wild garden.

Planting Themes

If the idea of allowing your garden to grow seemingly unkempt is too extreme for your neater sensibilities, you can still give the impression of a wild garden with a more organised planting theme. If you have a patio or decking, you can either edge the borders of theses with planters or add large pots on top of the surface.

If you are looking to remain on trend, remember that whilst what plants are popular can change rapidly, a good rule of thumb is to use vibrant, colourful flowers to best contrast against the green of your grasses. Rich orange, purple and red tones can help give your garden a clear focal point and stand out against the more natural brown and green tones. 

Vertical Planting

Edging the borders of your garden with trellises is a great way to make the most out of your space. If you simply don’t have enough room on your garden lawn, planting vertically is an inventive solution to create a sense of atmosphere. Taller types of clematis vines are perfect for climbing on top of your borders, as they grow from the spring to the end of the summer, engulfing your trellises with gorgeous spots of colour.  

Hanging baskets are also a great, easy option to make your garden feel as though it has been overtaken by plants. You can feel as though you are truly surrounding by flowers, with them even growing above you! Installing a pergola for your planters to hang from is one of the smarter ways to achieve this enclosed effect. 

Natural Textures

You can help your garden feel more like a reclaimed natural space by using more rustic textures for the perimeter and border of your different outdoor zones. One of the concerns of newer build houses is the removal of a sense of character and that “lived in” quality. By adding distressed, older looking textures into your garden space, you can build a greater sense of individuality, in turn making your garden appear wilder and more natural.

Making a rockery using old bricks is a simple, low-cost way to achieve this specific look. With the continued interest in the “cottagecore” aesthetic, more people are looking to make their spaces feel more homely. Incorporate traditional signage and make your outdoor space feel less like a plain, uninspiring add on, and instead transform it into your own secret garden.