Car Care Tips And How To Maintain Your Vehicle In The Fall

Fall and winter are the most threatening seasons to your vehicle, and you need to learn to maintain your car for your safety and the car’s worthiness on the road.

During the fall, your car has to deal with a lot of moisture, dirt, and wastes, especially leaves.

If you’re planning to keep your car fit during the fall and the upcoming winter season, then you should follow these tips.

Check the wipers’ condition

The car wipers start work in the fall, hence, it’s that time of the year you should make sure your car windshield wipers are working effectively.

The wipers are made of light materials – rubber or silicone, and should therefore be tested every few months and at the beginning of the cold season.

Put some cleaning fluid on the windshield. If the wipers leave streaks or are not exactly on the windshield, it is best to replace them. This is the only way to ensure that you always have a clear view.

Dirt also indicates damaged windshield wipers. This is because this first accumulates in the porous areas of the wiper blades before it can be clearly seen that they are defective.

Prevent damage to the car Paintwork

When you park your car under a tree, you can expect to see leaves on the top of the car and the windshield.

When the fallen leaves react with moisture or water, they release tannins, and that can damage the paintwork of your car and the car metals.

Especially when there are cracks or scratches on the car, moisture can penetrate faster and lead to rust.

In general, you should always sweep down the leaves to prevent damage.

If you have not yet damaged the paintwork, seal the paintwork with hard wax. Otherwise, you can clean or polish your car’s paintwork after the fall.

Keep water drains Free

Since leaves can get stuck in your car’s body such as in the windshield, tires, and other areas, you should vacuum your car more often with a vacuum cleaner at this time of the year so as not to risk any damage.

You should also check your water drains, for example, the windshield, or the rear window, as well as on the trunk or the tailgate.

Remove the dirt from these areas and test the drain with a little clean water to ensure it’s free.

Wash your car thoroughly

Personally, I love to wash my car, and also take my car to a car wash shop for a thorough cleaning every few months.

If there are already scratches and cracks in your car paintwork, moisture can penetrate faster through it and trigger rust.

Besides this, both the interior and the exterior of the car will be cleaned properly, this is different from your regular wash.

Also, the underbody of the car will be well cleaned. You can as well repolish the car paint or even add wax to the existing paint to enhance its beauty.

Thorough cleaning is recommended in autumn, also called fall, not just because of the harmful tannins released from leaves but also to get cleaned all areas of the car which you may not get to in your routine wash.


At the beginning of every season, it is advisable to take your car to a car repair shop for a maintenance check.

You don’t have to wait till your car break-down before you take action. The fall is that season between the summer and the winter when you need to replace some parts of your vehicle.

Change the tires, make sure the lighting system is working properly and all the components, ensure the wipers are fit, clean your car windshield, windows, and check on the heating and cooling system of your vehicle.

If you want to get your car fit for the fall, you can visit the RepairSmith website for a better way to repair and maintain your vehicles.

You can make bookings online, and their car mechanics will come to you to maintain or repair your car, it’s easy and simple.

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