How to Prevent Eyelash Fall-out?

If you want long, luxurious eyelashes, which is what everyone wants, you could be alarmed by a few stray lashes that have dropped down your face, but don’t be. Daily lash loss is quite natural and not something to worry about. Your eyelashes go through a natural cycle of growth, shedding, and renewal similar to the hair on your head.

You may wish to take a deeper look when you observe a substantial number of eyelashes falling off. In fact, certain practices might be harming your lashes. We consulted specialists to learn about these typical reasons for lash loss as well as advice on how to maintain long, thick, and healthy eyelashes.

What Causes the Loss of Eyelashes?

Using Lash Curlers

If you have long, straight lashes, you probably never go a day without using a lash curler. Unfortunately, using a lash curler frequently may weaken hair, which might ultimately result in breakage.

To produce a curl look, eyelash curlers apply pressure to the lashes. The lashes suffer physical harm when you apply pressure to the same spot repeatedly because it weakens the hair, which may lead to breakage. The easiest way to preserve your lashes is to completely avoid using lash curlers.

Use the curler ahead of any mascara if you’re cautious, and use it sparingly, such as on special occasions. Mascara can stiffen the lashes, which might cause them to fracture. Because sticky mascara residue may also pull out lashes when you release the clamp, make sure your lash curler is free of it.


On your head, stress may cause an increase in hair loss, and it can also affect your eyelashes in a similar way. Stress induces the telogen phase, sometimes referred to as the dormant period, in hair follicles, which results in hair loss.

Stress, either physical or mental, maybe the cause of this. Fortunately, after the pressure is gone, the hair does renew over time. Consider this a friendly reminder to prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional health since it continues to show to be advantageous in all areas of our lives if you haven’t already.

Lash lifts and eyelash extensions

If done improperly, getting eyelash extensions and lash lifts may sometimes result in a small amount of natural lash loss. Make sure the person doing these treatments is a licensed, experienced professional, such as a cosmetologist or esthetician.

According to Richardson, a skilled lash artist can choose the proper size of lashes to apply so that they don’t interfere with your natural lashes. Additionally, you’ll want to confirm that the removal procedure is being handled by a specialist. Make sure they aren’t taking it off and yanking your natural lashes with it.

Putting on mascara at night

Everyone is aware that wearing makeup to bed is a massive no-no. However, sleeping with mascara on your lashes may be detrimental in a number of different ways. Because mascara clogs the hair shaft, it might make your eyelashes fall off. To prevent drying out or being clogged with excess oil, the hair shaft has to be clean and nourished.

Additionally, the risk of bacterial infections is increased while wearing mascara to bed. Throughout the day, rubbing your eyes gives germs an opportunity to enter. Inflammation, irritation, and infection may develop if the right solution isn’t utilized to remove the mascara, which might eventually lead to lash loss. Mascara may stiffen your lashes and make it easier for them to rub off as you sleep.

Rub your eyelashes

You may weaken and pull out your eyelashes by vigorously rubbing or pulling on them. Be cautious while removing makeup, and try not to pull or rub on the eyelashes.


Trichotillomania, a disease characterized by persistent, overwhelming cravings to take out hair on various parts of your body, may occur in severe instances. Trichotillomania is a chronic illness that can only be managed with the assistance of a medical or mental health professional.

Allergic Reactions

Do yourself a favor and read the ingredient list on the label while you’re at it. Eyelid dermatitis is often brought on by allergies to skincare products, eye makeup, makeup remover, cosmetics, and even nail polish. Severe cases of these allergies may result in eyelash loss. Stop using eye products and obtain an allergy test to determine what you are allergic to if you think your eyelash loss is due to an allergic response to makeup or eye cream.

False Lashes

Then there are fake lashes, which together represent a number of offenders. Many individuals who use extensions have an allergic reaction to the adhesive, which may lead to irritation and eyelash shedding. When using artificial eyelashes, the adhesive might adhere to the natural lashes and, if removed incorrectly, pull them off. 

How to Make Eyelashes Grow Faster:

Regularly clean and brush your lashes.

The way you care for your eyelashes should be similar to how you care for your skin and hair. Your lashes should be combed every day to remove tangles and stimulate hair follicles, just as you wouldn’t leave your hair knotted in bed to avoid breaking.

Apply your eyelash treatments to clean, dry skin since you wouldn’t think of moisturizing grimy skin (or, at least, we hope not). Your lash regimen should be applied in the same manner as your nighttime skincare routine.

Utilize lash serums to stop breakage.

As we’re sure you’ve seen, several natural components are suggested for your lashes, including castor oil, vitamin E, and coconut oil. But in reality, they merely work to moisturize and nourish your lashes—not to grow them longer. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t utilize them, however; after all, long, luscious lashes are always a plus.

Lash conditioners assist in preventing hair from splitting by fortifying it, which eventually aids in your pursuit of lashes that seem fuller. WooLash is a great choice, woolash reviews.

Consult a dermatologist about a lash growth serum.

The active elements in lash growth serums encourage the development of new hairs. Isopropyl cloprostenate, for example, is likely included in over-the-counter (OTC) lash serums that influencers claim to have used to grow their lashes longer and thicker.

However, keep in mind that the FDA doesn’t control or authorize them, so always do your homework (or, better yet, see a doctor or dermatologist beforehand) before covering your whole eyelids with the substance. Refrain from using them at all if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Be persistent

Your eyelashes go through three stages throughout their development cycle: catagen (dormant phase), telogen (shedding phase), and anagen (growth phase). It makes sense that the development phase would take some time, as your eyelashes spend most of their time in the catagen and telogen phases.

Even with the right methods, it might take three months for your eyelashes to develop organically. Don’t be too frustrated if you don’t notice results right away; it might take some time for your lashes to reach the right stage. Try to avoid the impulse for lash extensions and choose a lash lift instead if you’re searching for fast fulfillment.

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