How to Use Possessive Nouns: Grammar English

Possessive nouns are the bane of many people’s grammar lives. It’s easy to get confused about how to use them, but once you know the rules, it’s easier than you might think. 

First of all, let’s talk about what possessive nouns are. A possessive noun is a word that shows ownership—it’s used when you’re talking about something that belongs to someone or something else. This can be a person, place, or thing. You’ll see possessive nouns used in sentences like “That is my sister’s house” or “I live in my mother’s house.” The word ‘s’ is added to the end of a normal noun to show possession: John’s house means John owns the house (the house belongs to him).

The same goes for personal pronouns (she/her/hers) and demonstrative pronouns (this/that/these/those). If they’re referring to something belonging to another person or object, they need an apostrophe followed by an ‘s’ at the end: “This is my sister’s book,” “That car belongs to my father.”

You’ll also see possessive nouns used with plural nouns if there are multiple owners involved: 

When making possessive nouns plural, add an apostrophe + s (‘ s) to the end of the word as usual and add an apostrophe before it as well if you want to show singular possession: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s basketball career.

How do I show when something belongs to more than one person?

When you have two people who own or share something or want to show that something belongs to both of them, use ‘of’ + their name(s) (e.g., John’s and Mary’s house). You can also use ‘of’ + their names if it’s unclear who owns what part of something (e.g., half of John’s and Mary’s house).

How to form possessive noun

Forming possessive nouns is a common challenge when learning English. It’s easy to think that all you have to do is add an apostrophe at the end of a word, but there are a few different ways you can form possessives in English. 

One way is by adding to the end of a singular noun:

  • the boy’s book
  • the girl’s pencil
  • the dog’s bone

Another way is by adding to a plural noun:

  • the boys’ books
  • the girls’ pencils
  • the dogs’ bones

Here are some more examples of possessive nouns in English: * the woman’s dress; *the man’s car; *the woman’s hair

Possessive nouns are often confused with plural nouns

The difference between possessive and plural nouns is that possessive nouns can be treated like regular singular nouns, while plural nouns cannot. For example:

  • “The president’s visit was postponed.” (Here, the word “president” is a possessive pronoun.)
  • “The president’s visit was postponed.” (Here, the word “presidents” is a plural possessive determiner.)
  • “I have three children.” (Here, the word “children” is a plural possessive adjective.) Because of this confusion, it’s important to learn how to identify whether or not you’re dealing with a true singular possession to avoid creating errors in your writing.

Some tricks can help you figure out whether or not you need to add an “s” to clarify your meaning

One such trick involves separating the word into its parts. If the meaning changes when you do this (i.e., if it sounds different), then it likely needs to be made possessive instead of pluralized. For example:

“The cat’s toy” means that there is one cat who has many toys; on the other hand, “the cats’ toys” means that there are many cats who share toys between them all equally (in this case, they own them).

Another trick involves adding numbers; if they make sense in context. Dalia Yashinky from GrammarBrain says, “it’s best to have memorization strategies when learning new languages. Find a method that works for you.”


Possessive nouns are a very important part of grammar. They can help you to express ownership, control, or relationship between two people or things. We must learn how to use possessive nouns correctly because if we don’t, it could lead to confusion when communicating with others.

Grammar is the backbone of any language; if you want to learn to speak a new language, you need a good grammar foundation. That’s why we recommend taking online grammar classes from AmazingTalker.

Their grammar teachers are native speakers teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) for years. They will work with you one-on-one to help you build the skills and knowledge that will allow you to communicate effectively in your new language.

If you’re ready to learn more, we’ve got some good news: we have an AmazingTalker platform that will walk you through everything from possessive nouns to avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls. Check out Their Grammar Classes online .

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