How To Write Resume For Job Application? A Step-By-Step Guide

Writing a resume for job applications can be challenging, especially with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) filtering candidates. This article explores crafting a tailored resume to match job requirements and optimize for ATS. Understanding the job description is crucial for showcasing suitability. Resume Forrest specializes in creating ATS-optimized resumes, guiding strategic keyword placement and effective resume structuring to increase your chances of success in a competitive job market. Additionally, using an ATS resume checker can help ensure your resume for job application meets the specific requirements of these systems.

In this article we will discuss:

  • Choosing the Perfect Resume Format for You
  • structuring of resume for job application 
  • The Importance of ATS Score Checker for Resume Job Applications
  • Why is Resume Forrest the top destination for successful resume job applications?
  • Purpose of resume for job application 

Choosing the Perfect Resume Format for You

Selecting the right resume format is a crucial step in crafting a compelling resume for job application. The format you choose will depend on your specific circumstances, including your work experience, career goals, and the industry or job you are targeting. Here are three common resume formats to consider:

  1. Reverse Chronological Format
  • Best for: Individuals with extensive work experience.
  • Showcases: Work history in reverse chronological order, focusing on your most recent jobs.
  • Advantages: Easy to understand, organized, and preferred by many employers.
  1. Functional Format:
  • Best for: Career changers or individuals with gaps in their resume.
  • Showcases: Skills and abilities rather than work history.
  • Advantages: Useful for highlighting your skills and accomplishments regardless of your career path.
  1. Combination Format:
  • Best for: Individuals who want to highlight both their skills and experience.
  • Showcases: A mix of the reverse chronological and functional formats.
  • Advantages: Provides flexibility to showcase your strengths effectively.

Select the appropriate resume format based on your experience and career goals, such as reverse chronological for extensive experience or functional/combination for limited experience or a career change. Research online examples and use an AI resume builder like ResumeForest to create a tailored resume that effectively showcases your strengths.

Structuring of resume for job application

When structuring your resume for job application, include the following sections:

  • Contact Information
  • Summary/Objective
  • Work Experience
  • Education
  • Skills
  • Additional Sections

Let’s discuss each part in detail:

  • Contact Information: Your full name, phone number, email address, and optionally, your LinkedIn profile.

example of this on your resume for job application:

  • Full Name: Emily Williams
  • Phone Number: +1 (555) 321-9876
  • Email Address: [email protected]
  • LinkedIn Profile:
  • Summary/Objective: A concise statement summarizing your skills, experiences, and career objectives.

Example of this for fresh graduates:


A diligent and enthusiastic recent graduate with a strong academic background in [Field of Study]. Possessing excellent communication skills and a proactive approach to problem-solving, I am eager to leverage my education and internship experiences to contribute effectively to a dynamic team. Seeking an entry-level position where I can apply my knowledge, learn new skills, and grow professionally in [Industry/Field].

Example of this for experienced person:

With [number of years] years of hands-on experience in [industry/field], I bring a wealth of knowledge in [specific skills or areas of expertise]. Throughout my career, I’ve consistently delivered results by [mention notable achievements or contributions]. I am now seeking a new opportunity to further advance my skills and make a meaningful impact within a collaborative team environment.

  • Work Experience: Detailed information about your relevant employment history, including job titles, dates, and key responsibilities or achievements.

example of this on your resume for job application:

Work Experience:

Senior Software Engineer

Company: Tech Innovations Inc.

  • Duration: June 2018 – Present
    • Spearheaded the development of innovative software solutions for diverse clients, specializing in web application development using cutting-edge technologies such as React.js and Node.js.
    • Lead a team of developers in the design, implementation, and testing phases of projects, ensuring adherence to project timelines and quality standards.
    • Collaborate closely with clients to understand their requirements, provide technical guidance, and deliver customized solutions that exceed expectations.
    • Mentor junior team members, conducting code reviews, providing constructive feedback, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
    • Drive process improvements and best practices adoption within the development team, resulting in increased efficiency and code quality.

Software Engineer (Internship)

Company: Software Solutions Co.

  • Duration: January 2017 – May 2018
    • Contributed to the development and enhancement of software products, focusing on front-end and back-end development using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and SQL.
    • Participated in all stages of the software development lifecycle, from requirements gathering and design to implementation, testing, and deployment.
    • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot issues, resolve bugs, and optimize application performance.
    • Assisted in the documentation of technical specifications, user manuals, and release notes to ensure clear communication and support for end-users.
    • Demonstrated strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail in identifying and addressing technical challenges to deliver high-quality software solutions.
  • Education: Information about your academic background, including degrees earned, institutions attended, and relevant coursework or honors.

example of this on your resume for job application:


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

University of Technology

Graduated: May 2018

Relevant Coursework:

  • Software Engineering
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Database Management Systems
  • Web Development
  • Operating Systems


  • Dean’s List for Academic Excellence (2016-2018)
  • Outstanding Capstone Project Award (2018)
  • Skills: A comprehensive list of your skills, categorizing them into technical skills, soft skills, and language proficiency, tailored to the job requirements.

Example of this on your resume for job application

Technical Skills:

  • Programming Languages: Proficient in Python, Java, and JavaScript
  • Web Development: Experienced in HTML5, CSS3, React.js, and Node.js
  • Database Management: Skilled in SQL and MongoDB
  • Version Control: Familiar with Git and SVN
  • Cloud Technologies: Knowledgeable in AWS and Azure services
  • Software Development Methodologies: Experienced in Agile and Scrum frameworks
  • Data Analysis: Proficient in Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib for data manipulation and visualization

Soft Skills:

  • Effective Communication: Clear and concise communication skills, both verbal and written
  • Team Collaboration: Proven ability to work collaboratively in multidisciplinary teams
  • Problem-Solving: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills to tackle complex issues
  • Adaptability: Flexible and adaptable to new challenges and environments
  • Time Management: Excellent organizational skills with the ability to prioritize tasks effectively
  • Leadership: Experience in leading small teams and guiding them towards project success

Language Proficiency:

  • English: Fluent (Native proficiency)
  • Spanish: Proficient (Conversational proficiency)
  • Additional Sections: Optional sections to showcase any additional qualifications, such as certifications, awards, volunteer work, or professional affiliations.

Example of this on your resume for job application

Additional Sections:


  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate
  • Scrum Master Certification (CSM)
  • Google Analytics Certification


  • Employee of the Month, Tech Innovations Inc. (2020)
  • Best Poster Presentation, International Conference on Computer Science (2019)

Volunteer Experience:

  • Volunteer Web Developer, Habitat for Humanity (2018-present)
  • Mentor, Girls Who Code program (2017-2019)

Professional Affiliations:

  • Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

The Importance of ATS Score Checker for Resume Job Applications

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are software programs used by many companies to scan and filter resumes submitted for job openings. ATS uses algorithms to match keywords and phrases in resumes with the requirements listed in job, resume for job applications that do not contain the right keywords or are not formatted correctly may be rejected by the ATS, never reaching a human recruiter.

An ATS score checker is a tool that can help you assess how well your resume matches the requirements of a particular job posting. By entering your resume into an ATS score checker, you can receive a score that indicates how likely your resume is to be selected by the ATS.

Resume Forrest is a leading provider of ATS score checker tools. Resume Forrest’s ATS score checker is easy to use and provides accurate results. In addition to providing an ATS score, Resume Forrest also provides feedback on your resume, highlighting areas that can be improved to increase your chances of being selected by an ATS.

Some benefits of using an ATS score checker:

  • Increased chances of getting your resume noticed: By using an ATS score checker, you can ensure that your resume is optimized for ATS and has the best chance of being selected by a recruiter.
  • Save time and effort: ATS score checkers can save you time and effort by quickly and accurately assessing your resume’s ATS score.
  • Receive valuable feedback: ATS score checkers can provide valuable feedback on your resume, highlighting areas that can be improved to increase your chances of being selected by an ATS.

If you are serious about your job search, using an ATS score checker is a must. Resume Forrest’s ATS score checker is the best tool available to help you improve your resume and increase your chances of getting hired.

Resume Forrest: Your Top Destination for Successful Resume Job Applications

Discover why Resume Forrest reigns supreme as the ultimate platform for ATS score checking:

  • Accuracy: Resume Forrest’s ATS score checker is highly accurate and uses the latest ATS technology to assess your resume.
  • Ease of use: Resume Forrest’s ATS score checker is easy to use and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.
  • Affordability: Resume Forrest’s ATS score checker is affordable and offers a variety of pricing plans to fit your budget.
  • Customer support: Resume Forrest offers excellent customer support and is available to answer any questions you may have.
  • Resume Forrest is an AI resume optimizer  that helps you tailor your resume to specific job requirements, increasing your chances of being selected by ATS and getting noticed by recruiters. It’s easy to use, affordable and provides valuable feedback on your resume. Sign up for a free trial today and boost your job application!

If you are looking for a reliable and accurate Ai resume builder , Resume Forrest is the best option available. With Resume Forrest, you can be confident that your resume is optimized for ATS and has the best chance of being selected by a recruiter.

Sign up for a free trial of Resume Forrest today and see how it can help you improve your resume and land your dream job!

Optimize your resume for free now ( resume optimizer)

Understanding the Purpose of resume for job application 

Your resume is a potent marketing tool in the job market, offering a concise yet compelling summary of your professional background. Tailored to specific job requirements, it highlights relevant achievements and capabilities. Serving as your gateway to employment, your resume reflects your experience and competence, underlining the importance of careful crafting for accessing suitable job opportunities.

1. What is the primary purpose of a resume for job application?     

 A resume serves as a snapshot of your professional life and acts as your advertisement to employers. Its main purpose is to grab the attention of hiring managers, demonstrate your suitability for the job, and secure an interview opportunity.

2. Why is it important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements?

Tailoring your resume shows employers you understand their needs and are a serious candidate, boosting your chances of landing an interview.

3. How can you tailor your resume for job application effectively?

To land the interview, craft a targeted resume by carefully reviewing the job description and identifying the key skills, qualifications, and experiences they seek.  Then, seamlessly weave these desired elements throughout your resume, highlighting relevant experiences, achievements, and skills that perfectly match their requirements.

4. What are the benefits of tailoring your resume?

Tailoring your resume is a triple win: it grabs the hiring manager’s attention by showcasing the exact skills they need, highlights your most relevant strengths for perfect job fit, and demonstrates your valuable professional adaptability.


When it comes to writing an impressive resume for a job application, you can rely on Resume Forrest. Resume Forrest offers services such as AI Resume Optimizer, ATS Score Checker, and ATS Resume Checker to help you enhance your resume, increase your chances of passing through ATS, and outshine other applicants. By utilizing their innovative tools and features, you can craft a standout resume that aligns with industry requirements and attracts the attention of employers. 

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