Intelligent Process Automation – The New Horizon Of Business Process Automation

Process automation has been around for quite some time now. In business process automation, there is usually a focus on reducing or eliminating the need for human intervention in order to speed up and/or improve the accuracy of a task. This has been around for centuries, with various attempts at automating tasks. For example, one of the earliest known examples is in the form of an automated loom that was created in the 18th century.

While the concept of automating tasks is ancient, the term “business process automation” is relatively new. The first time it was used was in a paper by Peter F. Drucker in the early 1990s. In it, he discussed how businesses could use technology to automate their processes and improve their efficiency.

So what exactly is business process automation?

Business Process Automation

Business process automation (BPA) is the use of technology to automate business processes. This can include automating tasks such as data entry, order fulfillment, and customer service. By automating these processes, businesses can speed up their workflows and improve accuracy.

However, we are now on the cusp of a new digital horizon – intelligent process automation. This is where processes are automated in a more cognitive and intelligent manner, using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms.

In other words, IPA (intelligent process automation) is a new technology that can help your business automate processes.

But what does that mean and how can it help you? 

Intelligent Process Automation

Businesses are always looking for ways to automate their processes in order to save time and money. But until now, there hasn’t been a good way to do this without hiring expensive programmers or buying complex software. 

This new technology makes it easy for businesses to automate their processes without any programming required. With IPA, you can easily create workflows that will automatically take care of tasks like data entry, customer service, and social media management.

Businesses are tremendously adopting this technology and the global intelligent process automation market size is expected to reach USD 15.8 billion by 2025, according to a new study by KBV Research.

(Image source:  KBV Research)

Benefits of Intelligent Automation

Intelligent automation is the process of using technology to control and monitor various aspects of a business operation. There are many benefits to using intelligent automation in your business.

Some of these benefits include:

1) Increased Efficiency & Accuracy

Using technology to control and monitor different aspects of your business can make it more efficient. This means that tasks can be done faster and more accurately. As a result, you may save money on costs.

Intelligent automation can help to improve accuracy in a number of ways. For example, it can help to automate and speed up processes, which can minimize the chances of human error. It can also help to improve data accuracy by automating data entry and verification processes.

2) Reduced Costs 

Intelligent automation can help speed up processes, improve accuracy, and reduce the amount of work that needs to be done manually. By using these technologies in conjunction with redesigned processes, businesses can see a significant decrease in their operating costs.

👉  A report published by Gartner estimated that by using intelligent automation, businesses can lower their operational costs by 30%. This is due to the combination of hyper-automation technologies with redesigned operational processes.

3.) Reduce Human Intervention 

Intelligent process automation (IPA) takes this to the next level by using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to enable processes to automatically adapt to changes in their environment and learn from experience. 

This can reduce or even eliminate the need for human involvement in many routine tasks, freeing up employees to concentrate on more complex or value-added activities.

Challenges and Risks of Workflow Automation

  •   Data Dependency

One of the key challenges and risks of workflow automation is data dependency. If the automated process depends on accurate and timely data, any errors in the data can cause the process to fail. 

This can lead to wasted time and resources, and may even cause serious business problems.

  • Make Employees Complacent

Another risk of workflow automation is that it can make employees complacent. When a process is automated, employees may stop paying attention to details or performing necessary checks, which can lead to mistakes.

Additionally, if the automation process is not well-designed, it may be difficult or impossible to fix errors without disrupting the entire process.

  • Training And Skills Gap Assessment

When implementing a workflow automation process, it is important to ensure that all employees who will be using it are adequately trained. A lack of training can lead to mistakes and confusion, which can disrupt the entire process. It is also important to assess the skills gap among employees. 

If some employees do not have the necessary skills to operate the automation process, they may need additional training or may need to be replaced with experts who can provide business process automation consulting and are more skilled in the domain.

  • Lack Of Standardization

One of the challenges and risks of workflow automation is that it can lead to a lack of standardization. When different parts of a process are automated, each part may be implemented in a different way, which can lead to inconsistency and confusion. 

This can make it difficult to troubleshoot problems, and can also make it difficult to train new employees on the process.

When automating your workflows, it’s important to be aware of the potential for mistakes. In this video, we discuss some of the most common mistakes made during automation and how to avoid them.

Intelligent Process Automation is the Next Digital Horizon of Process Automation

Intelligent Process Automation is indeed a game changer for businesses, as it opens up opportunities to automate tasks that were previously not possible or too difficult. For example, imagine being able to automatically identify and correct errors in data entry, or automatically responding to customer emails.

With the advent of intelligent process automation, businesses can move towards a more digital future, where processes are automated and agile, and can rapidly adapt to changes in the environment. 

Are you ready for the next digital horizon?

About the Author

Apratim Ghosh

An entrepreneur, leader, and technologist with over 25+ years of experience, I am the founder of Inovar Tech . I focus on providing Technology and Advisory services to small, mid to large enterprises. I understand business challenges are hard to cope with, but with the help of technology, they can be overcome. 

I have a proven track record in architecting and implementing complex technology projects successfully. I am always keen on identifying new business opportunities and my experience as an active angel investor helps me see things from different perspectives. 

Looking forward to an insightful conversation about business, technology, or anything under the sun.