Using JavaScript for creating GUI Apps

Javascript GUI Apps image 44If you need a software solution for your business, you should carefully consider what kind of apps to develop. The time has come when you should forget about the old-school development techniques. That’s because nowadays there is a great diversity of platforms and devices with different screen sizes.

One of the options is to create a business desktop application. You can easily accomplish this task with the help of C++ . In general, a desktop application is a kind of software that you can install on a computer and use to attain specific objectives. It might be quite efficient, but if you want to get a more up-to-date solution with greater opportunities from portability and usability points of view, you should consider several other options.

Native applications

Another alternative is to develop native apps. They are usually created for specific platforms, e. g. iOS, Android, Windows, etc. Users need to download and install native apps via an app store or a play market. As a rule, such kind of apps have access to all the system resources.


  • Native apps have a high degree of optimization.
  • They work faster and have an advanced performance.


  • High cost of native apps development and maintenance.
  • The need for compatibility with every single platform. In fact, native apps have to be created from scratch every time for each particular platform.
  • Native apps require frequent updating and compliance with strict security measures.  Such kind of apps strongly depend on the provisions of the iTunes and Google Play markets.

GUI applications

But if you want to spend less efforts and resources, it’s a good idea to develop GUI web applications using JavaScript. In this way, you will get a responsive and mobile-friendly solution that could be used both in web and mobile versions. A GUI, or graphical user interface, is an interface that allows a user to interact with various devices with the help of menus, icons, and other graphical representations to show information and different user control items. GUI web apps can be accessed via an internet browser.


  • You don’t have to download or install GUI apps.
  • They are responsive and adapt to any devices.
  • Lower cost of development and maintenance.
  • You can create GUI apps quickly and easily.
  • The apps update on their own and the changes are saved quickly.


  • GUI web apps usually don’t work offline.
  • They are not included into any databases so fewer people know about them.

JavaScript libraries for creating GUI apps

The choice of JavaScript is a good and safe strategy that will allow you to save time and resources on web development. This is also predetermined by the fact that there is a great variety of JavaScript GUI frameworks for front-end web development. They include ready-to-use responsive widgets and controls. All of the components are developed and repeatedly tested by high-skilled specialists. JavaScript GUI frameworks are constantly evolving and keeping pace with the times. They guarantee high quality of the end-product and effective support.

The advantages of using JavaScript GUI libraries for web development:

  • HTML5 technology is one of the simplest and most efficient to define a powerful graphical user interface. You can develop GUI web apps much easier and faster.
  • Making web applications with JavaScript frameworks, you get many built-in advanced features.
  • The cost of many popular JavaScript frameworks is not very high, some of them are free. Eventually, the price for the final client will be also smaller.
  • Almost every JavaScript UI framework has a documentation section, professional support, and community forums where you can ask questions and find a lot of useful information.
  • As a rule, a popular JS framework has essential security implementations. There is often is the community behind it. If users find a bug or a security issue, they can contact the team via the framework’s in order to solve the problem.
  • With Responsive JavaScript GUI libraries you will get an up-to-date solution as all of them are continuously developing and upgrading.

Bottom line

Deciding what software solution to create for your business might be quite difficult. You should think about all the modern development tendencies and consider the amount of time and resources that you possess. If you want to get a great result at minimum cost, it’s a good idea to use one of JavaScript UI frameworks and develop GUI apps. Such apps are universally applicable, responsive, safe, and efficient. You can deliver high-quality content, promote products, and reach a larger audience thanks to web and mobile availability of your solution.