Laravel VS ReactJS: Which One is Right for My App?

In the last few years, Laravel and ReactJS have gained immense popularity, from entrepreneurs to big-scale owners, to Fortune 500 companies, and they have become top choices. The choice between Laravel and ReactJS can be challenging, as each framework offers its own unique offerings. We have put together a detailed comparison of Laravel vs. Reactjs to help you choose whether to hire a developer from Reactjs or Laravel Development Company. Read on to find out what you need to know!

An Overview of Laravel and ReactJS Development:

As a powerful PHP framework, Laravel falls under the MVC architectural pattern that was designed by Taylor Otwell – and was released in June 2011. It provides developers with a structured approach while providing a range of built-in functionalities for developers to build backend and frontend applications. 

On the other hand, ReactJS, created by Jordan Walk, was released on May 29, 2013, as a JavaScript library to create dynamic, interactive user interfaces. Additionally, such a library can be used as a front end that has its own set of best practices, patterns, and quirks. It is essential to hire a developer from a ReactJS development company if you want to ensure a scalable web application.

Laravel VS ReactJS:  Comparative Analysis!

Features of Laravel and Reactjs

These are some of Laravel and ReactJS’s’ noteworthy features that make them great frameworks for developing impressive web applications; now let’s see which feature you found most useful!

Laravel Features: 

  • MVC Architecture
  • Blade Templating Engine
  • Eloquent Object-relational-Mapping
  • Artisan CLI
  • Seamless Integration with third-party services
  • Effective Request Handling

Reactjs Features: 

  • Component-based Architecture
  • Virtual Document Object Model
  • One-way-data-binding Process
  • Multi-extensions Included
  • JavaScript Syntax Extension
  • Availability of Developer Tools

Benefits of Laravel and Reactjs for Web App Development:

Below are some of the key benefits of Laravel vs ReactJS that will help you decide whether to hire a developer from a Laravel or ReactJS development company.

Benefits of Laravel for Web Apps 

  • Excellent Laravel Security of Web Resources
  • Built-in Authentication & Authorization System
  • Easier-than-ever App Testing Process
  • Rapid Page Loading
  • Improved Web App Performance
  • Faster time-to-market

Benefits of ReactJS for Web Apps

  • Exceptional Cross-platform Support
  • Provides Reusable Components
  • SEO-friendly User Interfaces
  • Make Coding Simpler Than Before
  • Easy to Create Dynamic Web App
  • Faster Debugging & Rendering

Cons of Laravel and Reactjs

Here are the cons of using Laravel and ReactJS for your web application development project, which will give you a better understanding of whether or not this framework is the right one for your needs.

Laravel Cons

  • Constant Framework Upgrades
  • Lack of In-built Support
  • Lightweight Framework Structure
  • Limited Functionality
  • Required Technical Expertise
  • Inadequate dependency management

Reactjs Cons

  • JSX as a Barrier
  • Poor Documentation
  • Intensive Development
  • Incomplete toolset
  • Complexive SEO Handling
  • Steep Learning Curve

Laravel VS Reactjs: The Face Off Challange!

Still feeling tangling like a pendulum between laravel vs reactjs? Well, there’s no direct comparison between laravel vs reactjs. They both serve different offerings that make them special from each other. Here is a table that will confirm that you made the right decision. Aspects Laravel Reactjs Winner
1 Launch Date 9 June 2011 29 May 2013
2 Developed By Taylor Otwell Jordan Walke
3 Framework Type PHP


JavaScript (Front-end)
4 Latest Version (2023) Laravel 10 18.2.0
5 Learning Curve Steeper Shallow Reactjs
6 Performance Lower Faster Reactjs
7 Architecture Support MVC model Component-


8 Coding Reusability Limited More flexibility Reactjs
9 SEO Friendliness Best Poor Laravel
10 Web App Speed Good scalability Good scalability Both
11 Community Active Active Both
12 Development Complexity Simple and straightforward Quite complexive Laravel
13 Security Strong Good Laravel
14 Project Size Suitable for Small to medium-sized web app Suitable for medium to large-scale web app
15 Use- cases Web app, APIs, and Content management Interactive user interfaces and SPAs
16 Companies Using … Whatsapp, Instagram, DropBox, Walmart, Skype & etc MyRank, Alpha-coders, TourRadar, 9GAG, BBC & etc
17 Cost of Web App Depends on Complexities Depends on Complexities Value for Money


Note-  Keep in mind that Laravel is used for frontend/backend and Reactjs is used for only frontend, so finding the clear winner depends on your web app requirements. 

What to Choose Between Laravel VS Reactjs for Web App Development?

Still, tangled between Laravel VS ReactJS – Laravel is a popular PHP framework that enhances web app backend performance and ReactJS is a JavaScript library that is commonly used for designing user interfaces. In other words, there are numerous factors and requirements to consider when choosing between Laravel and ReactJS.

A developer from a Laravel development company can be a fair choice for a budget-friendly simple web application; since it offers both front-end and back-end solutions at a low price. On the other hand, if you’re building a complex web application with a large budget, it might be a good idea to hire Reactjs developer from top app development company.

Moreover, it may also make sense to consider the possibility of using both technologies together, leveraging Laravel for the backend development and ReactJS for the frontend UI.

Laravel VS ReactJS: Web App Developent Cost!

No matter what type of web app you are looking forward to building, the cost of development matters the most. In spite of this, some of you may have been victims of money-theft scenarios because of an insufficient understanding of marketing price strategies. Hence here we have given an estimated cost of web app development using laravel or reactjs.

Laravel Web App Cost

Project Size and Type Estimated Cost
Small-size web app with simple features $6,000 – $10000
Medium-size web app with modern features $10,000 – $15,000
Large-size web app with advanced features $16,000 – $30,000
Customized laravel web app solutions Depends on web app requirements


Reactjs Web App Cost:

Project Size and Type Estimated Cost
Small-size web app with simple features $7,000 – $15,000
Medium-size web app with modern features $17,000 – $25,000
Large-size web app with advanced features $26,000 – $50,000
Customized laravel web app solutions Depends on web app requirements


Note – The cost of web app development using different frameworks is based on several factors like location, development timeline, type/size of project, features integration, and so forth. Hence, in order to get an accurate quote, reach out to the best web app development company.

Top 5 Front-end & Back-end Frameworks of 2023 for Web App:

In search of more options to develop a scalable app? Here’s the list of the top 5 back-end & front-end frameworks of 2023. Have a look!

Best Front-end Framework of 2023: 

1) Reactjs

2) Angularjs

3) Vuejs

4) Expressjs

5) Laravel

Best Back-end Framework of 2023:

1)  Laravel

2) Node.js

3) Django

4) Nest.js

5) Phoenix

Bottom Line:

In order to achieve your app goals, Sufalam Technologies, a top mobile app development company, can assist you with building scalable web apps using Laravel, Reactjs, or Laravel with Reactjs. 

At Sufalam, they pride themselves on delivering successful web applications and advising others on how to choose the right technological stack for the project, and they have an outstanding record of delivering successful web applications. 

So, get in touch with them and tell them about what you’re working on so they can design and develop a scalable web app that will meet the needs of your company. Contact now!