Line Lock Kits: Enhancing Control and Performance


In the world of automotive enthusiasts, finding ways to enhance a vehicle’s performance and control is always a top priority. One of the popular tools to achieve this is the line lock kit. This article aims to explore the concept of line lock kits, how they function, their benefits, installation procedures, maintenance tips, and legal considerations.

Understanding Line Lock Kits

What is a Line Lock Kit?

Commonly recognized as a “roll control” or “brake control” kit, a line lock brake kit serves as a device created to temporarily lock a vehicle’s front brakes, while simultaneously allowing the rear wheels to rotate freely. This advantageous feature finds its primary utility in drag racing and other motorsport activities, empowering drivers to execute tire-warming burnouts while their vehicle remains stationary.

How Does a Line Lock Kit Work?

The line lock kit works by controlling the flow of brake fluid to the front brakes through a solenoid valve. When engaged, the valve restricts the fluid from returning to the master cylinder, effectively locking the front brakes. As a result, the vehicle remains stationary while the rear tires can spin freely.

Benefits of Installing a Line Lock Kit

Improved Traction

The primary advantage of a line lock kit is improved traction. By performing a burnout and warming up the rear tires before a race, drivers can achieve better grip and traction on the track. This can lead to quicker and more consistent launches, especially in drag racing scenarios.

Reduced Wear and Tear

Since the line lock brake kit allows the rear wheels to spin without the vehicle moving, it significantly reduces wear and tear on the drivetrain components. This is particularly beneficial for high-performance cars with expensive tires and driveline parts.

Enhanced Safety

Using a line lock brake kit ensures that drivers have better control over their vehicles during burnouts and launches. By keeping the car stationary, the risk of an uncontrolled start or a sudden forward movement is minimized, enhancing safety on the race track.

Types of Line Lock Brake Kits

There are two main types of line lock brake kit available in the market:

Hydraulic Line Lock Kits

Hydraulic line lock kits use the existing brake hydraulic system to lock the front brakes. They are known for their durability and reliability. However, their installation might require some modifications to the brake lines, making professional assistance desirable.

Electric Line Lock Kits

Electric line lock kits operate using an electrical switch and solenoid. They are easier to install compared to hydraulic ones, as they don’t require brake line modifications. However, electrical systems are more prone to failures and might not be as durable as hydraulic counterparts.

How to Install a Line Lock Kit

Installing a line lock kit can be a challenging task, and it is recommended to have a good understanding of automotive systems before attempting the installation. Follow these steps for a successful installation:

Gather Necessary Tools and Materials

Before starting, ensure you have all the required tools and materials, including the line lock kit, wrenches, brake fluid, and safety equipment.

Preparation and Safety Measures

Raise the vehicle securely on jack stands, ensuring it is positioned in a well-ventilated location. Remember to wear safety goggles and gloves throughout the installation procedure.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

  • Disconnect the battery to prevent any electrical mishaps.
  • Identify the suitable location to mount the line lock kit, usually close to the master cylinder.
  • Install the solenoid valve in line with the front brake lines.
  • Connect the electrical wiring as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Bleed the brakes to remove any air bubbles from the system.
  • Test the line lock kit to ensure it’s functioning correctly.

Tips for Maintaining Your Line Lock Brake Kit

Proper maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your line lock kit:

Regular Inspection and Cleaning

Periodically inspect the solenoid valve and electrical connections for any signs of damage or corrosion. Clean the components as necessary to prevent debris buildup.

Fluid Replacement

Regularly check the brake fluid levels and replace the fluid as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Fresh brake fluid helps maintain optimal performance.

Addressing Common Issues

Be vigilant about any potential issues with the line lock brake kit, such as fluid leaks or inconsistent engagement. Address these problems promptly to avoid any safety hazards.

Line Lock Kits vs. Launch Control Systems

Understanding Launch Control Systems

Launch control systems are electronic aids found in high-performance vehicles. They optimize the vehicle’s launch by controlling engine RPM, traction, and power delivery.

Key Differences between Line Lock Kits and Launch Control Systems

Line lock kits focus on locking the front brakes for burnouts, whereas launch control systems optimize the launch process for maximum acceleration. Line lock kits are aftermarket additions, while launch control systems come integrated into some high-end vehicles.

Legal Considerations for Line Lock Kits

Regulations and Restrictions

Before installing a line lock kit, drivers should be aware of the specific regulations and restrictions in their region. Line lock kits may not be legal for street use in some areas, so it’s essential to understand the local laws.

Usage in Motorsports

Line lock kits are widely used in sanctioned drag racing events and other motorsport competitions. However, always ensure that the specific event or organization allows their use.

Frequently Asked Questions

What vehicles can benefit from a line lock kit?

Line lock kits are commonly used in rear-wheel-drive vehicles, especially those used for drag racing and other motorsport applications.

Can I install a line lock kit myself, or do I need professional help?

While experienced automotive enthusiasts might attempt self-installation, it is recommended to seek professional help to ensure a safe and proper installation.

Are line lock kits legal on public roads?

Line lock kits are generally intended for off-road and motorsport use. It’s essential to check local laws and regulations before using them on public roads.

How much does a line lock kit cost?

The cost of a line lock kit can vary based on the brand and type, but they typically range from $100 to $500.

Can a line lock kit be used with automatic transmissions?

Yes, line lock kits can be used with both manual and automatic transmissions, enhancing the vehicle’s launch capabilities.


Line lock kits provide an exciting way for automotive enthusiasts to improve their vehicle’s performance and control during motorsport activities. By allowing controlled burnouts, these kits offer enhanced traction, reduced wear and tear, and increased safety. Before installing a line lock kit, drivers should be aware of the legal considerations in their region and consider seeking professional assistance for the installation process. Embrace the thrill of motorsports responsibly with a reliable line lock kit.

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