Low Code Software: Bridging the Gap Between Business and IT

At the core of many business services today is software. From customer service portals that enable businesses to interact with customers, to real-time analytics powering decisions, technology has forever changed how we do business. Unfortunately, not everyone in organizations have the same level of technical proficiency necessary for creating these types of software applications. 

Business units experienced a 21% increase in happiness with low-code implementation, delivering results in less than 3 months.

Low code application development software can lead to a gap between what IT departments are able to provide and what non-technical business users need. Low code platforms offer a bridge over this divide by empowering anyone—regardless of their programming knowledge or technical acumen—to design and deploy cutting edge apps without relying on experts alone.

In this post, we’ll explore just how low code development promises to revolutionize the way businesses use technology and build modern software solutions.

What is Low Code?

Low code refers to a visual development approach that enables users to create applications with minimum hand-coding and minimal manual programming. It provides a graphical interface and pre-built components, making application development accessible to individuals with limited coding expertise.

Key Components of Low Code

  • Visual IDE (Integrated Development Environment): Low-code platforms offer drag-and-drop interfaces, visual modeling tools, and pre-built templates, allowing users to design applications without extensive coding.
  • Reusable Components: Users can leverage pre-built components, widgets, and templates to expedite development, ensuring consistency and reducing redundancy.
  • Automated Code Generation: Low code platforms automate much of the code generation process, reducing the need for manual coding and minimizing errors.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Applications created using low code can often be deployed across various platforms, including web, mobile, and desktop environments.

How is Low Code Software Bridging the Gap Between Business and IT?

Low-code development platforms have emerged as powerful tools to bridge the gap between business and IT, enabling organizations to accelerate application development and empower users with varying technical expertise. 

These platforms provide a visual development environment with pre-built components and templates, reducing the need for extensive coding. Here’s an exploration of how low-code software is transforming the landscape:

  • Rapid Application Development (RAD): 

Low code accelerates the development lifecycle, enabling organizations to respond quickly to changing business requirements and market demands.

  • Reduced Dependency on IT:

Business users and citizen developers can actively participate in the development process, reducing the reliance on IT teams and fostering collaboration.

  • Cost-Efficiency: 

With faster development cycles and reduced reliance on highly specialized developers, low code contributes to cost savings in the application development process.

  • Flexibility and Customization:

While low-code platforms provide a range of pre-built components, they also offer customization flexibility. Developers can extend the platform’s capabilities through coding when necessary, balancing rapid development and creating tailored solutions.

  • Innovation and Experimentation: 

Low code empowers organizations to experiment with new ideas and innovations, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and agility.

  • Integration Capabilities:

Low-code platforms often have built-in integration capabilities, allowing seamless connectivity with existing systems and databases. This simplifies the integration of new applications into the existing IT infrastructure, promoting interoperability.

  • Empowerment of Citizen Developers:

Citizen developers within an organization who are not professional developers can leverage low-code platforms to contribute to application development. This democratization of development empowers users to create solutions that address specific business challenges.

Future Trends in Low Code

  • AI Integration: Expect increased integration of artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities within low-code platforms to enhance automation and decision-making.
  • Industry-Specific Solutions: Low code will see more specialization with industry-specific solutions catering to unique business needs.
  • Collaboration with DevOps: The convergence of low code and DevOps practices will streamline the application lifecycle, ensuring faster and more reliable deployments.


We can no longer deny the need to have a strong bridge between business and IT to ensure that solutions that improve our current infrastructure are created and implemented. Low code software is an effective solution that can offer us the best of both worlds: we get fast development and delivery, while also getting the support of powerful IT processes. 

It is up to us to recognize this potential and use it to our advantage. By working together with low code software, companies can develop cost-effective, successful projects that will benefit their reputation in the long run. 

Compassionate leadership within organizations can make all the difference when it comes to boosting productivity and eliminating tech fatigue. Harnessing low code software solutions is now more important than ever before, so let’s all do our part in helping companies succeed in these new digital times.