How to Make This Valentine’s Day Count

Valentine’s Day is coming up, and the stakes are getting high. No matter your thoughts on this dreaded day: if you are in a relationship, you need to do something about it. Luckily, there are easy ways you can take this holiday from an obligation to a stress-free day.

Make Valentines day count - 121222Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to express the love and gratitude you have for your significant other. By putting thought into your gift, you are telling your partner that you love them. No matter if you are going through a tough period, Valentine’s Day is the time when you leave all the problems behind and focus on the good things.

On the other hand, if you’ve forgotten about the upcoming date, or if you have no idea what you should get – you’re in luck! A Valentine’s Day gift doesn’t need to be expensive, huge, or time-consuming. It merely exists as a symbol of your love for someone. Without further ado, here are some ideas for Valentine’s Gifts that your partner is going to love:

A Bouquet of Flowers

Flowers are considered a classic for a reason! A nice bouquet (or even a single flower) is a timeless gift that really shows your appreciation for your significant other. Not only are bouquets beautiful to look at, but they are also quite inexpensive compared to other, more extravagant gifts.

However, keep in mind that, no matter how beautiful flowers are, they don’t last forever. If you think a bouquet is a perfect gift, look for some websites that offer same-day delivery before 2 pm. As a result, your Valentine’s Day flowers will be fresh, glowing, and you won’t need to think about them wilting before the big date.

Now that you’ve found your gift, it’s important to choose the correct bouquet. You may think that roses are an obvious choice since they are a symbol of love and romance. However, some people find them cliche and may prefer something a little more original. There are so many varieties to choose from, such as lilies, tulips, and gerberas. You know your partner the best, so pick the bouquet carefully.

Just remember to pair that bouquet with a beautifully-written card expressing your love for your significant other. While you’re at it, maybe throw in a box of chocolates in there too.

A Nice Date

This might seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at how many people forget to treat themselves (and their partner) on Valentine’s Day. This is the best occasion to take your partner on a nice date, especially if you haven’t gone out in a while.

Keep in mind that a “nice date” doesn’t necessarily mean an expensive dinner with champagne and a carriage ride. A date is something intimate between the two of you and it can be whatever you want. Maybe you want to stay in, order pizza and watch a movie? Or, if you’re more adventurous, you can go bungee jumping or skydiving.

The point is, don’t let anyone dictate . A date should be an activity that both of you will enjoy in order to mark the true meaning of Valentine’s Day. Don’t think of it as an obligation, think of it as an opportunity to spend some quality time with your significant other.

Something They Actually Want

Dinner, flowers, a box of chocolates, all of those things sound like great gifts. However, some people want to keep Valentine’s Day low-key. If your partner is one of them, you may want to consider getting them something that doesn’t have “romantic” written all over it.

Sometimes, your partner will make this easy and drop hints about what they want or need for a gift. However, oftentimes you will need to seriously think about what might make their day. As a result, it might be best to go the “classic” route if you aren’t 100% sure your partner will love it.

An example of a gift someone might want is a book they’ve been dying to read (bonus points if you manage to get it signed by the author). Not a reader? No big deal! In today’s day and age, movie and TV show merchandise is just a few clicks away.

Additionally, maybe your partner mentioned that they want to decorate the apartment? Put some photos of you in nice frames and gift them. Maybe some cute throw pillows, a nice shelf or coffee table will do the trick.

Remember, Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to show your partner that you appreciate them. Put thought into your gift, and I promise you, your girlfriend/boyfriend will love it. After all, you know them the best – so I have no doubt that you will find something special.


Interesting related article: “What is a gift?