
Bargain perception

Bargain perception – sale price versus original price

Sellers should make their customers focus on the original price rather than the sale price when encouraging them to feel there is a good...

People unused to power more likely to be vengeful

People who are not used to having power over others are more likely to be vengeful than experienced power-holders who tend to show more...
Dubai Airshow

Dubai Airshow day three – orders exceed $200bn

During the Dubai Airshow day three orders rose beyond the psychological $200 billion ceiling, a record for any airshow, the organizers informed. Within three hours of...
Young firms

Global GDP growth revised down, OECD

The OECD has revised its global GDP growth forecast for 2013 to 2.7% from 3.1% in May. However, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development...

Using viruses to grow nanowires boosts performance of energy-dense batteries

A team of US researchers has found a way to improve the performance of lithium-air batteries - they used modified viruses to grow unusual...
Dubai Airshow

Dubai Airshow day two $193.9bn in orders

Dubai Airshow day two has been another great day for the order books, bringing in $193.9 billion so far, after a record-breaking day 1,...
Minimum wage

Minimum wage and crime rates not linked

Most people believe that by raising the minimum wage crime rates would go down, but this appears to be a myth. Researchers at the University...
chinese flag

Chinese ghost cities

Housing prices in China almost tripled between 2005 to 2009 and residential housing investment as a share of China's GDP also tripled, from 2% in 2000 to...
Dubai Airshow

Dubai Airshow kicks off with $162.6 billion in orders in 3 hours

Within three hours of the opening of the Dubai Airshow, orders worth $162.6 billion were placed, a record for any airshow. Several companies announced orders...
College graduates

Many college graduates never find jobs related to their degree

Thirty-one percent of college graduates in the United States never find a job related to what they studied, and 47% say their first job...