Why are personal injury claims so complex?

You’re probably familiar with the term personal injury. And the idea of being involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault. When these kinds of events happen, it can leave the victim with terrible injuries that require extensive treatment and rehabilitation, as well as time off work, a loss of enjoyment and other damages including psychological issues, PTSD, and damage to property.

Filing a personal injury claim - things to consider - image for article 0987654321In short, the bills keep on rising and the victim or plaintiff – in the eyes of the law – shouldn’t have to foot the bill for someone else’s negligence. Looking for a PI lawyer in Georgia? Click the link.

When we look at a personal injury claim in this light, they seem relatively simple and straightforward. Someone else was to blame, it was proven, and the victim should get their money. Sadly, as far as victims are concerned, the entire process can be terribly overwhelming and complicated especially when there is more than one victim and more than one defendant who is to blame.

Here we’ll take a look at why personal injury cases are so complex.

The case must first be evaluated

When you approach a lawyer with your case, they’ll evaluate it to see if there is indeed a case to be filed. Despite what many people think, personal injury cases are quite rare and are classed as worse-case-scenarios. There may have been a catalogue of errors that have led to the defendant’s injury or death, and each of these may need to be explored to determine who is at fault.


Like in any criminal case, evidence plays a huge part in personal injury cases. Not only will it need to be gathered from various sources, but it will also need to be evaluated and verified. From witness testimonies at the scene of a crash to accounts from other residents at a care home where a loved one died. The strength of the evidence will also need to be assessed because if you’re going up against a big corporation, strong evidence is vital to support your claim.

Multiple defendants

Cases that involve multiple defendants can become incredibly complex. For example, if you were involved in a car accident with someone who was driving a vehicle that belonged to their employer or business, then the defendants would include the driver and the company that owned the vehicle in question. You could also potentially hold the highways agency accountable if your lawyer believed they were also to blame.


Interesting related article: “What is an occupational injury?