Royal Philips Launches HeartStart Intrepid Monitor And Defibrillator

Royal Philips, a worldwide leader in health technology, recently announced the launch of their HeartStart Intrepid monitor and AED with IntelliSpace Connect. The portable device is designed to assess and treat patients experiencing major health emergencies regardless of location. The device, which has received CE Mark approval, is for sale in Europe and select markets in Africa and Asia.

Philips HeartStart Intrepid v1 image 32333
HeartStart Intrepid v1. (Image: Philips International B.V.)

Treating cardiac arrest

The Philips HeartStart Intrepid is cleverly designed to be used in a variety of settings, including pre-hospital, ambulance, in-hospital, and intra-hospital transfer. It monitors the patient’s vital statistics and can be used to assess conditions, allowing health care providers to deliver the most suitable treatment. Additionally, the AED can be used to treat sudden cardiac arrest by delivering an electric shock to restore a healthy heart rate. In fact, the use of AED packages has been found to save 1700 lives each year in the U.S.

When AED’s are used on patients by bystanders (before emergency responders arrive at the scene), survival rates of sudden cardiac arrest increase from 43% to 66.5%, a study by the American Heart Association found.

Headstart Intrepid. (Image: Philips International B.V.)

Revolutionizing medical care

“First responders don’t often know what to expect when they arrive at the scene of an emergency, so they have to be equipped and ready to handle anything that may come up in the field”, Arman Voskerchyan, Business Leader for Therapeutic Care at Royal Philips, explains. “A full range of monitoring capabilities and decision support tools let emergency staff quickly evaluate and treat patients in life-threatening situations”.

As well as providing AED treatment, the HeartStart also assists in CPR delivery. Its QCPR solution provides comprehensive CPR advice concerning compressions and ventilations.

Data management solution

The HeartStart Intrepid includes the cloud-based IntelliSpace Connect data management solution, which helps ensure coordinated care throughout the entirety of the patient’s journey. Accessible through a browser, IntelliSpace Connect essentially allows for the integration of emergency event data into electronic medical records (EMR/EHR) and electronic patient care reporting (ePRC). As a result, correct event documentation is available for easy billing and data is stored securely for post-treatment review.

“Enhanced connectivity between care settings helps to streamline communication and improve clinical workflow for caregivers, allowing them to provide patients with better care” states Voskerchyan. Ultimately, the HeartStart Intrepid helps both hospitals and patients in the quest for improved patient care.