Protecting the Website from Online Bots

Large websites with thousands of pages and online stores with a wide range of products often face the problem of a sudden high server load. And the reason for that is often not related to DDOS ​​attacks, viruses, or hackers’ actions. It is online robots creating the large number of requests to the website per unit of time, which leads to an increase in the load and exceeding admissible limits on hosting.

Online bots draft thumbnail image

Adapted from two images from Pixabay.

Unfortunately, this problem is acute not only for large online stores but also for smaller resources. As a result, you get a poorly performing website and regular down times of a platform. In order to identify the reason and understand how to fix it, you need to you analytic metrics and tools enabling you to see the traffic source. For you to get wordpress anti spam protection from spam, you need to pay attention to the main signs of bot surfing on your platform.

Signs of a Bot Being on the Website

  • A huge number of pages viewed per unit of time;
  • Unusual high site traffic for the specific time and day of the week;
  • A sharp increase in user traffic from other countries of the world, unless you are an international company;
  • Slow page load;
  • Server response time is long;
  • Complaints from the hosting about the consumption of a large number of resources;
  • The identical type of behavior of users with numerous visits to the same page.

Examples of Online Bots

Robots are often not spammers or site parsers. Instead, they often represent various services or little-known programs. They do not carry a direct threat, but due to improper configuration, internal error or for any other reasons, they can create a high load on the site due to the huge number of hits per unit of time.


The robot BLEXBot Crawler is declared as a search engine robot, whose parent search engine is unknown yet.

Bot ahrefsbot

This robot, as well as MJ12bot, analyzes the pages of the website for the presence of external links. The website provides a bad professional service for the reference evaluation and analysis.

Bot HubSpot Webcrawler

This is the search engine robot for At Amazon, the company owners stated that this platform is designed for companies that need to attract visitors. In other words, the platform contains the robot that collects content from online stores.

Our Verdict!

No matter what robot you are dealing with and what task it performs, you are to safeguard your resource from the bot since it is, for sure, negatively affecting your platform. Make sure there is nothing to affect your safety, database info significance, and user experience.