Sustainability the Knauf Way

Sustainable manufacturing eco-friendly Knauf image 133When it comes to manufacturing sustainability, the term eco-friendly is not one that comes readily to mind. Typically, one thinks of the usual sky high smoke stacks pumping pluming clouds of smog into the air.

However, one company is hoping to change that image. The Knauf Group’s insulation brand has begun to lead the way in sustainability that could set the standard for their peers.

While companies are always pledging to clean up their act, few have been like the Knauf Group and dedicated their growth and development to sustainability. Keep reading to learn how the Knauf Group is leading the way in sustainability.

What is Sustainability?

Sustainability refers to companies whose processes aren’t detrimental to consumers lives or the planet; now or in the future. But what does that mean for a company exactly? Does simple proper hazardous waste disposal count? Yes and no.

Following proper waste disposal guidelines is part of sustainability but if that company is also denying workers basic human rights because it’s legal in the country the workers live in, that company is not sustainable. A sustainable company ensures all employees are given all basic human rights despite foreign laws, keeps the environment clean, and provides quality products and honest information about the products sold.

History of the Knauf Group

The Knauf Group, despite its size is still a family owned company just like it was when it was started by the Knauf brothers Karl and Dr. Alfons in 1932. Beginning with the processing of gypsum in Germany, Knauf has quickly arisen to be a multinational leading producer of building materials and construction systems.

Today the Knauf Group rests in the hands of Karl and Dr. Alfons’ sons, Baldwin and Nikolaus Knauf to oversee the many enterprises, including Knauf insulation and their ECOSE® technology.

Insulation Company Overview

The insulation company owned by the Knauf group has become one of the most respected and progressive names in insulation throughout the world.

The company’s annual sales revenue is in excess of $1.5 billion with manufacturing operations in Europe, Russia, UK and the US. Knauf insulation has committed itself to sustainability and conservation of the environment by manufacturing its products from recycled materials.

Knauf has not only made a commitment to sustainability but also to a set of principles they swear to never compromise which include:

  • Quality of products
  • Apply technological advancements across all product lines
  • Safety
  • Reducing emissions
  • Commitment to cost-effectively produce products

And thanks to their commitment Knauf is able to produce eco-friendly fiberglass insulation thanks to their ECOSE® technology.

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Image: adapted from

ECOSE® Technology

Knauf researchers and developers spent five years developing ECOSE® a more sustainable binder technology. Instead of using more common non-renewable petroleum-based chemicals like phenol, formaldehyde, and acrylics in their fiberglass insulation, Knauf uses renewable bio-based materials.

All of Knauf’s products are made from renewable materials like recycled glass and sand. In fact, all products are made with 50% post-consumer recycled glass. This comes out to around 26 million glass bottles a month.

Not only is the process to make the insulation sustainable, but the insulation itself is energy saving. Installing insulation sold by Knauf will reduce energy consumption in a home or business and positively affect the lives of people now and in the future.

Leading the Way

Knauf Group has dedicated itself to not only being a sustainable company but to also preserving the environment and planet for generations to come. Knauf’s innovative ECOSE® technology allows the company to use renewable materials to produce its products like recycled glass and sand.

The company is also responsible for recycling around 26 million glass bottles a month. With the rapid growth in population, technology, and decrease in natural resources companies like the Knauf Group with their eye to the future are needed more than ever.

The success of a company is often measured by their longevity which cannot be achieved without sustainability. Destroying the planet will leave no place for consumers to live much less be able to buy anything. Knauf understands the benefits of preserving the planet for future generations instead of hoarding it all to ourselves.

Whether a professional business owner or consumer, sustainability is important to everyone and the Knauf Group is currently showing the world how it’s done.