The actual consequences of driving intoxicated

Driving under the influence of alcohol can cause irreparable damage and all sorts of consequences. While many drivers know that driving and drinking can be a disastrous combination, many still get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. Some believe the concentration is low enough to enable them to drive safely, while others disregard the possible terrible outcomes of this dangerous undertaking.

Driving while intoxicated can have many consequences and make it hard to reduce the damages and harm suffered and get your life back on track. Here is what you must be aware of before pondering whether to drive your car under the influence of alcohol or use another transportation method.

Legal problems

Any driver who drives while intoxicated risks facing severe legal consequences. If an officer pulls you over on suspicion of driving under the influence, you will be requested to perform a field sobriety test. Supposing you fail, then you may need to take a breathalyzer test. If it is also unsuccessful, you will be taken to the local precinct and can face a DWI (driving while intoxicated) conviction. Every state has stringent penalties for similar infractions to keep traffic participants safe, and the violators are prosecuted accordingly.

The impact of DWI convictions

Being arrested for driving while intoxicated brings serious consequences, including court-ordered treatment, a lost license, hefty fees, and reputational damage. If you’re convicted of a DWI, you must pay court fees and fines, risking additional jail time, community service, or probation. Furthermore, this conviction means you can lose your driver’s license.

Texas is an example of a state where drunk driving is treated as a grave crime, with more severe penalties than other US states to prevent these offenses. Even if the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) driving limit is 0.08%, you can be arrested and convicted of DWI with a lower concentration if it affects your driving skills. Thus, the aftermath of a DWI is severe and possibly life-changing. If you have legal issues in Fort Worth due to drunk driving, reach out to a Driving While Intoxicated Lawyer to get advice on what will happen next, have your case handled professionally, and achieve the most favorable outcome possible. 

Increased likelihood of dying in a car crash

Every day, there are around 28 deaths caused by drunk driving in America. While traffic fatalities have been on a downward trajectory, the number is still worrying, considering the numerous efforts to raise awareness, educate, and warn people of the dangers of intoxicated driving. Even so, drivers are still getting behind the wheel, disregarding the stiffer penalties for this undertaking.

This is an aftermath of the affected cognitive functions due to the consumption and absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, which travels to the brain and impacts cognitive functions and, ultimately, the way you perform tasks.  

According to the NHTSA, a 0.02 BAC leads to a loss of judgment that impacts the ability to perform two tasks simultaneously. A limit of 0.05 affects muscle control, eye focus, and the capacity to track moving objects. And when the 0.08 BAC is reached, you can have a slower reaction time, lose balance, and have difficulty in detecting any possible danger. This is a reason why you should avoid drunk driving even if you’re under the maximum allowable BAC. 

As you can see, impaired driving can have severe consequences and lead to life-changing outcomes. If you’re ever involved in a similar situation, try to minimize the impact by seeking expert help and preventing these occurrences from ever happening again.