The Ins and Outs of Having a Hair Transplant in Istanbul

Few people realize how important their hair is to them until they start losing it. Excessive hair loss is a common issue, affecting almost half the population. It’s stressful and annoying, but fortunately, it can be dealt with.

Potential treatments come in all shapes and sizes, from medicated shampoos to specialized serums and lotions. However, there is only one permanent solution for hair loss: hair transplant surgery.

With the ever-more questionable quality of random clinics across the US and the ever-growing prices of medical and cosmetic treatments, it might just be in your best interest to schedule your hair transplant in Istanbul, Turkey. 

Learn why having a hair transplant in Turkey is your best option, and find out what you can expect from the entire process.

Why you should consider having your hair transplant in Istanbul

Though it might come as a surprise to some, Turkey is one of the top destinations for medical tourists. It has a well-developed medical tourism industry, catering to those seeking both healthcare and cosmetic treatments.

The medical sector in the country is well-regulated, with public and private clinics being required to adhere to strict EU guidelines and regulations to operate uninterrupted.

Doctors, nurses, and other medical technicians must undergo extensive training and follow the highest medical standards to receive and keep all their necessary permits and licenses.

The result of such extensive regulation is that virtually every clinic or medical facility you visit in the country can deliver the utmost quality of care, regardless of the specific services you’re after.

Moreover, not only is it easy to find high-quality medical services, but it’s also easy for medical tourists to travel to Turkey to get them. Those visiting the country for healthcare or cosmetic treatments often have a much easier time obtaining their Visas and getting better airfare prices.

You’ll get the top results only from the top clinics

Even though every hair transplant clinic in Turkey follows the same guidelines and needs to adhere to the same regulations, it’s still essential to only book services with the top-rated ones.

After all, an inexperienced hair transplant surgeon could still make mistakes that will impact your transplant results. You could receive a new hairline that doesn’t suit the shape of your face, for instance. The transplanted hair could be inserted at a poor angle, impacting your new hair growth.

To avoid such aesthetic issues, you’ll want to look to clinics like Smile Hair Clinic that have experienced surgeons and can offer advanced hair transplant surgery.

Smile Hair Clinic was established in 2018 by doctors Gökay Bilgin and Mehmet Erdoğan. Both members of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) have perfected their approaches to hair restoration treatments, specializing in Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) methods.

With years of experience under their belts and over 8,000 satisfied patients so far, Dr. Gökay Bilgin and Dr. Mehmet Erdoğan can deliver outstanding, natural-looking results regardless of the extent of hair loss you’re experiencing.

How much does it cost to have a hair transplant in Istanbul?

Regardless of the specific hair transplant method used, hair transplant procedures in the US can quickly end up costing you an arm and a leg. On average, you can expect to pay around $15,000, at the very least, just for the hair transplant itself. You’ll need to pay extra if you need any medications before, during, or after the surgery, and even more if you need medicated lotions and shampoos.

On the other hand, whether you need the FUE or the DHI hair transplant in Istanbul, you can expect to pay almost 70% less.

At a hair transplant clinic like Smile Hair Clinic, for instance, the average price is around $3,000. Your exact costs are determined based on the hair transplant technique, the extent of your hair loss, and the condition of the donor area.

What’s included in hair transplant packages?

Many clinics in Turkey will offer all-encompassing packages to help make hair transplant operations even more affordable for medical tourists. While the packages may differ between one clinic and the next, at Smile Hair Clinic, the price you’re quoted will include:

  •       The DHI or FUE hair transplant;
  •       Any necessary medications before, during, and after the surgery;
  •       Accommodation in a nearby 4- or 5-star hotel;
  •       Transfers between the hotel, clinic, and airport;
  •       Services of translators speaking your native language;
  •       Online aftercare services.

Therefore, when booking your surgery, you’ll only need to take care of the additional costs of airfare. Everything else will be included in your hair transplant package.

Advanced services at clinics in Turkey

Not every clinic in Turkey will offer the same exact medical services. As mentioned, at Smile Hair Clinic, the doctors specialize in DHI and FUE hair and beard transplants.

The two methods are fairly similar. First, the hair follicles are removed from the donor area and then prepared for insertion into the recipient area.

With the FUE method, after extracting hair follicles, the surgeons need to make incisions into the recipient area to make room for them. With the DHI method, no incisions are needed as the extracted hair is inserted into a specialized tool that can immediately transplant hair into the recipient area.

Considering that hair grows rather slowly, it can take a couple of months before you notice new growth, regardless of the method used. The doctors will follow your progress via free online consultations to ensure you recover quickly and your hair is growing as expected.

Final thoughts

While it might come as a surprise, Turkey is one of the top destinations for medical tourism. Patients from all over the world visit hair transplant clinics in Turkey for quality, affordable treatments that can restore their natural hair appearance.

If you want to permanently overcome your hair loss issues, visiting Turkey might be the best option.

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