The Top Four Marketing Mistakes

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If you want your business to be a success, you need to have a great marketing plan. Nevertheless, in the race to make sure that you can promote your business as much as possible, mistakes are bound to be made. Sometimes, it can even be hard to know what those mistakes are, making it hard to avoid them. Thankfully for you, whether you are the CEO of a company, or you have just started out as a marketing manager, this guide has been created in order to recommend a few key ways that you can avoid these mistakes. Read on now for everything that you need to know.

Not Diversifying Your Content Streams

The ways that people consume content is different. Some people like to read while others like to listen to audiobooks, which are rising in popularity, or podcasts. Younger generations like to watch videos. That’s why it is so important to make sure that the content that your website offers is expanded across a whole different variety of formats. Remember that the medium is the message: so make sure that you tailor your content properly to bring your customers in.

Not Expanding Your Backlinks

You might believe that because you already have a few backlinks linking to your website, that you are doing enough to make sure that you are ranking well on Google. This isn’t the case: a business should be constantly expanding its backlinks. The ways of doing this are manifold. You can write guest posts on other websites, pay for sponsored content or you can collaborate with a third-party service that can create these backlinks for you. For one such company that can offer a great service, check out what Click Intelligence LTD have to offer.

Ignoring Social Media Sites

You may believe that because your website already has a solid enough customer base, that your work on social media is done. This couldn’t be further from the case, especially as more people than ever use social media instead of traditional news. You should make sure that you have a strong social media presence across all five major sites — Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok — in order to reach as many people as possible.  Just be aware that you should be able to change the way you communicate in order to reflect the different audience demographics. As a quick primer: Facebook is for older people, Twitter is for Generation X, LinkedIn is for professionals, Instagram is for young creatives and TikTok is for Generation Z.

Not Researching Your Audience

It’s impossible to communicate with your target audience if you don’t know what they want. That’s why you should definitely do as much as possible in order to understand your audience properly. If you find that you don’t understand them properly, then you should be doing the necessary feedback to get an idea of their needs and wants. Additionally, if you are talking to someone from a different generation, then it might be a great idea to hire a marketing manager who is from that generation and can speak in their language.

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